Articles by "Mauricio Vargas S. 帕夏"

Creating a timeline using R

February 2, 2016 | "Mauricio Vargas S. 帕夏"

On Jan, 10th David Bowie left this earthly realm. That day, as I do like his music a lot, I decided to create a timeline and recently I decided to make the code publicly available. Required packages You need rCharts whose author is Ramnath Vaidyanathan. The package does not contain ... [Read more...]


December 9, 2015 | "Mauricio Vargas S. 帕夏"

PDF/Github repo My thesis analyses chilean university students performance in different courses. These students belong to different major programs imparted at Universidad de Chile: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics and Information Systems... [Read more...]

Data Analysis Lectures

November 19, 2015 | "Mauricio Vargas S. 帕夏"

This is the 1st theoretical post I'm writing on this blog. I'll review some important Linear Algebra concepts that I'm using at work and these will save you a lot of time if you work with large datasets as I do. Diagonalization Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Time saving steps in R Diagonalization ... [Read more...]

LaTeX Thesis Template

July 13, 2015 | "Mauricio Vargas S. 帕夏"

For my thesis I've created a LaTeX template according to my university's rules. If you don't know \(\rm\LaTeX\) you can check a quick tutorial that I made for my students. My thesis was written in english but this template is in spanish. The idea of the template is that ... [Read more...]
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