Articles by Matias Andina

Original Text

November 6, 2023 | Matias Andina

I have been lately noticing a glaring trend in some of the non-fiction books that I read: the use and abuse of verbatim quotes. They come in the shape of: “As such and such said: INSERT LONG VERBATIM TEXT HERE” Of course, there are no rules regarding the use of ...
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The Power to Normalize

August 18, 2023 | Matias Andina

I started participating in the Tidytuesday project to practice my visualization skills, while using datasets that come from sources that I’m not used to. In addition, I enjoy checking what other people do with the same dataset. I find that others...
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August 5, 2023 | Matias Andina

A Challenging New Year Around early January 2023, an idea came to my mind: the books I read were all written men. My initial guess was 90% male. That’s bad, I know. So I decided to do two things: Check my current ratio Whatever my current number was, make the effort ...
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