Articles by Mark Edney

Making the Connection with Crosstalk

March 17, 2022 | Mark Edney

I recently wrote a post about creating dashboards in R which was based on the Flexdashboard library. My largest criticism was the lack of communication between visualizations on the same dashboard. This was before I learned about the Crosstalk p...
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Making the Connection with Crosstalk

March 17, 2022 | Mark Edney

I recently wrote a post about creating dashboards in R which was based on the Flexdashboard library. My largest criticism was the lack of communication between visualizations on the same dashboard. This was before I learned about the Crosstalk p...
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Creating Dashboards in R

March 9, 2022 | Mark Edney

Dashboards are a great way to demonstrate knowledge and engage decision makers. Their utility has made PowerBI and Tableau household names. And while these solutions do support R and Python scripts and visualizations, the Flexdashboard package s...
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Creating Dashboards in R

March 9, 2022 | Mark Edney

Dashboards are a great way to demonstrate knowledge and engage decision makers. Their utility has made PowerBI and Tableau household names. And while these solutions do support R and Python scripts and visualizations, the Flexdashboard package s...
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Python in R Markdown

March 2, 2022 | Mark Edney

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash The main advantage of using the R Markdown format is the utility of running R code within the text. This is clearly more advantageous than just writing code in a Markdown file. R Markdown is however limited to ...
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Python in R Markdown

March 2, 2022 | Mark Edney

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash The main advantage of using the R Markdown format is the utility of running R code within the text. This is clearly more advantageous than just writing code in a Markdown file. R Markdown is however limited to ...
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Bike shares in Toronto

February 26, 2022 | Mark Edney

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash This article is based on a project written on 01/14/2021 Bike Rental Shiny App This application use the data collected from the Toronto Open Data to generate a histogram of the usage of rental bik...
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Bike shares in Toronto

February 26, 2022 | Mark Edney

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash This article is based on a project written on 01/14/2021 Bike Rental Shiny App This application use the data collected from the Toronto Open Data to generate a histogram of the usage of rental bik...
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New features in R

February 22, 2022 | Mark Edney

__ Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash Recently I had updated my RStudio client and with it came a new update to R. This is an exploration of some of the most interesting changes from R 4.0 to R 4.1. Native Pipe Function Due to the extreme p...
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Speed cameras in Toronto

February 15, 2022 | Mark Edney

Photo by Sepideh Golchin Rad on Unsplash This project was originally written on 02/01/2021 as part of the Data Products course for the Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins University on Coursera Objective This report plots the spe...
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Fancy Tables in R

February 10, 2022 | Mark Edney

Photo by Juan Gomez on Unsplash Introduction As a continuation from my previous post exploring the use of the Stargazer library to create better looking tables, I thought I would look into the GT library. The GT library takes a different approach by creating an object class with the GT ...
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Job posting analysis

February 5, 2022 | Mark Edney

Recently, there was a post on medium about the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to study a job posting for keywords. I found that this article was very similar to R shiny App that I created a while ago. 1 Introduction Technology has cha...
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Fitness Tracker Modeling: ML

January 28, 2022 | Mark Edney

The original paper was written on 12/18/2020 Executive Summary This report analyzes collected data on different users preforming barbell lifts performed at different levels of quality. A machine learning algorithm was used to create a model t...
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