Articles by Mark Edney

Tree Based Methods: Exploring the Forest

November 14, 2022 | Mark Edney

Forest: Generated by Nightcafe AI Introduction I was recently reading my copy of “An Introduction to Statistical Learning” (my Amazon affiliate link) and got the chapter about the different tree based methods. I am pretty familiar with Random Fore...
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Tree Based Methods: Exploring the Forest

November 14, 2022 | Mark Edney

Forest: Generated by Nightcafe AI Introduction I was recently reading my copy of “An Introduction to Statistical Learning” (my Amazon affiliate link) and got the chapter about the different tree based methods. I am pretty familiar with Random Fores...
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Creating Posts for Quarto Blog

August 14, 2022 | Mark Edney

Introduction I have officially switched my blog from blogdown to quarto due to the new features that quarto adds. The move has not been painless, but most of the most important features remain the same. The feature this is currently missing...
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Creating Posts for Quarto Blog

August 14, 2022 | Mark Edney

Introduction I have officially switched my blog from blogdown to quarto due to the new features that quarto adds. The move has not been painless, but most of the most important features remain the same. The feature this is currently missing...
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Quarto: The successor to R Markdown

July 31, 2022 | Mark Edney

Introduction RMarkdown has been a staple for any Data Scientist that programs in R. Quarto builds on that, with multiple language support and additional features. Because of its language independent design, Quarto requires an independent installation....
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Quarto: The successor to R Markdown

July 31, 2022 | Mark Edney

Introduction RMarkdown has been a staple for any Data Scientist that programs in R. Quarto builds on that, with multiple language support and additional features. Because of its language independent design, Quarto requires an independent installation....
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Network Graphs in R

July 11, 2022 | Mark Edney

Introduction Network graphs are an important tool for network analysis. They illustrate points, referred to as nodes, with connecting lines, referred to as edges. Since network graphs are such useful tools, there are many options for graph generation. In this posting, I will demonstrate three different techniques for developing network ...
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Relationship Extraction with Spacyr

July 3, 2022 | Mark Edney

This is the continuation of the previous project, where we scrapped the Cooper Mind website with the rvest package. Please refer to that posting for the necessary steps to obtain the verified character names. As a reminder, this project was insp...
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Relationship Extraction with Spacyr

July 3, 2022 | Mark Edney

This is the continuation of the previous project, where we scrapped the Cooper Mind website with the rvest package. Please refer to that posting for the necessary steps to obtain the verified character names. As a reminder, this project was insp...
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Webscraping in R with Rvest

June 21, 2022 | Mark Edney

Web scraping has become an incredibly important tool in data science, as an easy way to generate new data. The main advantage is the automation of some pretty repetitive tasks. Web scrapping can also be a good way of keeping up with new data on ...
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Webscraping in R with Rvest

June 21, 2022 | Mark Edney

Web scraping has become an incredibly important tool in data science, as an easy way to generate new data. The main advantage is the automation of some pretty repetitive tasks. Web scrapping can also be a good way of keeping up with new data on ...
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Text Prediction Shiny App pt 2

June 7, 2022 | Mark Edney

Description This is the second part for the creation of a text prediction Shiny Application. From the previous post, we have developed and Corpus of text to start creating text prediction applications. We have also explored the corpus, looking ...
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Text Prediction Shiny App pt 2

June 7, 2022 | Mark Edney

Description This is the second part for the creation of a text prediction Shiny Application. From the previous post, we have developed and Corpus of text to start creating text prediction applications. We have also explored the corpus, looking ...
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Text Prediction Shiny App pt 1

May 30, 2022 | Mark Edney

This Shiny App was first written in May of 2021 Description The goal of this project was to create an N-gram based model to predict the word to follow the user’s input. This project was to complete the Capstone project for the Johns Hopkins U...
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Text Prediction Shiny App pt 1

May 30, 2022 | Mark Edney

This Shiny App was first written in May of 2021 Description The goal of this project was to create an N-gram based model to predict the word to follow the user’s input. This project was to complete the Capstone project for the Johns Hopkins U...
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Level up your programming skills

April 30, 2022 | Mark Edney

How do you become a better programmer? Well, there is strong scientific evidence for the support of the principle of deliberate practice. Deliberate practice is a method of skill development first written by Anders Ericsson in the book “Peak: Se...
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Dashboards in R with Shiny Dashboard

April 19, 2022 | Mark Edney

In a previous post, I explore the Flex dashboard library for the creation of a clean and interactive dashboard. That post can be found here. Unknown to me at the time, but I sort of skipped over the more natural progression of creating a dashboa...
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Benchmarking Data Tables

April 12, 2022 | Mark Edney

When I started learning R, I heard vague tales of the use of Data Tables. Really just whisperers, of something to consider in the future after I’ve become more proficient. Well now is the time to learn what if anything I’ve been missing out on. ...
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R-Bloggers site

April 10, 2022 | Mark Edney

I would like to take the time to mention the r-bloggers site. It is a vast collection of Blogs on everything that has to do will the R language. I would very much like to contribute to their work with this blog. Just to keep it interesting, I wo...
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Underrated CRAN Packages

March 30, 2022 | Mark Edney

I sit here looking for inspiration, nothing interesting to write about. Perhaps there are some popular R packages on CRAN that I don’t know about? You can explore the data on downloads from CRAN with the cranlogs package. Top CRAN downloads Wit...
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