Articles by Mario Pineda-Krch

The Joy of R: A Feline Guide

November 5, 2011 | Mario Pineda-Krch

Just because it’s caturday Images by Mario Pineda-Krch (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) This is from the “Mario’s Entangled Bank” blog ( ) of Mario Pineda-Krch, a theoretical biologist at the University of Alberta. Filed under: cats, computing, humour, R, Sweave [Read more...]

What is R, really?

March 31, 2011 | Mario Pineda-Krch

On CRAN, the official web home of all things R it says, R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. Well, that sounds all hunky dory. But let’s take a close look at what this statement really … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Top 10 things that suck about Sweave

December 1, 2010 | Mario Pineda-Krch

People rave about Sweave and the literate programing paradigm and I am guilty as charged. I speak Sweave, I think Sweave, I dream Sweave. As a matter of fact my default mode of operation is Sweave and anything else is an … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Great-circle distance calculations in R

November 23, 2010 | Mario Pineda-Krch

Recently I found myself needing to calculate the distance between a large number of longitude and latitude locations. As it turns out, because the earth is a three-dimensional object, you cannot simply pretend that you are in Flatland, albeit some … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Making R growl

November 18, 2010 | Mario Pineda-Krch

Spending the day churning through large data set or doing some heavy-duty number crunching? What is one to do while the computer is running in overdrive? We’ll, for one, you could get a steaming cup of joe and write a … Continue reading → [Read more...]

GillespieSSA 0.5-4 is released

August 16, 2010 | Mario Pineda-Krch

I just uploaded GillespieSSA 0.5-4 to CRAN. It should be  just a matter of days before it has propagated itself across all mirrors. This release consists of minor revisions with no (intended) changes in functionality. The main change (and it is … Continue reading → [Read more...]

GillespieSSA 0.5-1 is released

January 15, 2008 | Mario Pineda-Krch

I just uploaded GillespieSSA 0.5-1 to CRAN. Now it’s just a matter of days before it has propagated itself across all CRAN mirrors. This version consists primarily of revisions I made in response to the reviewer comments on the paper … Continue reading → [Read more...]

GillespieSSA 0.3-1 released

October 4, 2007 | Mario Pineda-Krch

I recently rolled up the new version of the GillespieSSA package, version 0.3-1. The tar ball of the new version is posted on its web page (here). I also submitted it to CRAN so in (due time) it should appear … Continue reading → [Read more...]

GillespieSSA on CRAN

September 21, 2007 | Mario Pineda-Krch

So it’s official – my R package GillespieSSA has been posted to the official list of packages on CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network). Check it out. Now back to my manuscript. Over the last few days I have been … Continue reading → [Read more...]

GillespieSSA 0.2-0 is released

September 19, 2007 | Mario Pineda-Krch

Just finished the new version of the GillespieSSA package. The tar ball of the new version is posted on its web page (here). I also submitted it to CRAN so in (due time) it should appear on the official R … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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