Articles by Marcel Austenfeld

Bio7 3.5 Released

May 6, 2023 | Marcel Austenfeld

06.05.2023 A new release of Bio7 is available.The application Bio7 is a free and open-source integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. Beside other programming tools it contains a feature complete development environment for R with an advanced R editor, R developer tools and interfaces ...
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Bio7 3.4 Released!

April 1, 2022 | Marcel Austenfeld

01.04.2022 A new version of Bio7 is available. The application Bio7 is a free and open-source integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis.   Bio7 3.4 Release Notes General Bio7 3.4 based on Eclipse RCP 4.23 Bundled with Adoptium JDK 17 MacOSX M1 built available (64-bit) Improved dark theme (e.g., ... ...
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Bio7 3.3 Released

April 22, 2021 | Marcel Austenfeld

22.04.2021 I released a new version of Bio7. Bio7 3.3 includes a plethora of new features, improvements and bugfixes. For those who don’t know Bio7. The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. It also contains a feature complete development environment for ...
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Bio7 3.2 Released

November 20, 2020 | Marcel Austenfeld

20.11.2020 A new version of Bio7 is available. This update comes with a plethora of new features, improvements and bugfixes. For those who don’t know Bio7. The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. It also contains a feature complete development ...
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Bio7 3.1 Released

February 7, 2020 | Marcel Austenfeld

07.02.2020 A new release of Bio7 is available. This update comes with a plethora of new features, improvements and bugfixes. For those who don’t know Bio7. The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modeling, scientific image analysis and statistical analysis. It also contains a feature complete development ...
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Bio7 3.0 Released

March 26, 2019 | Marcel Austenfeld

27.03.2019 A new release of Bio7 is available which is built upon Eclipse 4.11 and the latest Java OpenJDK. This new version comes bundled with OpenJDK 12, supports the dynamic compilation of Java 11 and fixes several annoying bugs on MacOSX (e.g., shutdown crashes). The R interface has been improved and the R-Shell ...
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Transfer data from R to Python with PyRserve and Bio7

August 29, 2018 | Marcel Austenfeld

29.08.2018 Recently I discovered the package PyRserve for Python which connects Python with R using Rserve. This is extremly useful because Bio7 already integrates Rserve and has special GUI interfaces available to transfer, e.g.,  data from spreadsheets, ImageJ image and selection data (also georeferenced),  Java simulation data, etc. With this ...
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Bio7 2.9 Released

August 16, 2018 | Marcel Austenfeld

16.08.2018 A new release of Bio7 is available. The new Bio7 2.9 release comes with a plethora of new R features and bugfixes. Release Notes: General: Based on Eclipse 4.8 Improved the dark theme and the layout of the dark theme in many places All editor font colors are now changed automatically to ...
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Debug Java in Bio7

June 27, 2018 | Marcel Austenfeld

27.06.2018 In Bio7 R and Java code can be easily combined in the Bio7 platform. For instance to create Graphical User Interfaces in Java (with SWT or JavaFX), transfer image pixel/selection data from ImageJ and finally doing the analysis parts in R code/scripts which can be called from within ... [Read more...]

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