Articles by learnr

Consultants’ Chart in ggplot2

August 16, 2010 | learnr

Excel Charts Blog posted a video tutorial of how to create a circumplex or rose or dougnut chart in Excel. Apparently this type of chart is very popular in the consulting industry, hence the “Consultants’ Chart”. It is very easy to make this chart in Excel 2010, but it involves countless ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Waterfall Charts

May 10, 2010 | learnr

Waterfall charts are often used for analytical purposes in the business setting to show the effect of sequentially introduced negative and/or positive values. Sometimes waterfall charts are also referred to as cascade charts. In the next few paragraphs I will show how to plot a waterfall chart using ggplot2. ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Plotting Dates, Hours and Minutes

February 24, 2010 | learnr

Plotting timeseries with dates on x-axis and times on y-axis can be a bit tricky in ggplot2. However, with a little trick this problem can be easily overcome. Let’s assume that I wanted to plot when the sun rises in London in 2010. sunriset function in maptools package calculates the ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Quick Heatmap Plotting

January 25, 2010 | learnr

A post on FlowingData blog demonstrated how to quickly make a heatmap below using R base graphics. This post shows how to achieve a very similar result using ggplot2. Data Import FlowingData used last season’s NBA basketball statistics provided by, and the csv-file with the data can ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Crayola Crayon Colours

January 21, 2010 | learnr

Statistical Algorithms blog attempted to recreate a graph depicting the growing colour selection of Crayola crayons in ggplot2 (original graph below via FlowingData). He also asked the following questions: Is there an easier way to do this? How can I make the axes more like the original? What about the ... [Read more...]

New Features in ggplot2 version 0.8.5

January 6, 2010 | learnr

Just before Christmas ggplot2 version 0.8.5 was released, closely following the release of version 0.8.4 a week or so earlier. Whilst both versions included included numerous bugfixes (25 in 0.8.4 and 17 in 0.8.5), the latest version also incorporated some new features. As ggplot2 is all about graphical display, so I went through the list […] [Read more...]

Data Profiling in R

December 17, 2009 | learnr

In 2006 UserR conference Jim Porzak gave a presentation on data profiling with R. He showed how to draw summary panels of the data using a combination of grid and base graphics. Unfortunately the code has not (yet) been released as a package, so when I recently needed to quickly review ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Overplotting In a Faceted Scatterplot

December 3, 2009 | learnr

Hadley Wickham recently shared a nice tip on how to get a faceted scatterplot plot with all points in the background of each plot. This technique makes a clever use of setting the faceting variable to NULL so that all points are plotted in light grey in all the facets. __ ... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Two Color XY-Area Combo Chart

October 21, 2009 | learnr

David@Work blog shows how to fill in the area between two crossing lines in an Excel chart. This post was also published as a guest-post on PTS blog. Let’s try to replicate this graph in ggplot2. First, load ggplot2 and generate the data frame to be used in ... [Read more...]

WordPress Blogging with R in 3 Steps

September 29, 2009 | learnr

A few people have emailed me and enquired about the use of tools mentioned at the end of this post to make blogposts with embedded R-commands. Below is a small step-by-step walkthrough of how to accomplish this. Write your blog post in a simple tex... [Read more...]

ggplot2: Back-to-back Bar Charts

September 23, 2009 | learnr

On the ggplot2 mailing-list the following question was asked: How to create a back-to-back bar chart with ggplot2? For anyone who don’t know what I am talking about, have a look on a recent paper from the EU. I’d like to create plots like the graph... [Read more...]

brew: Creating Repetitive Reports

September 9, 2009 | learnr

United Nations report World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision (highlights available here) provides data about the historical and forecasted population of the country. In exploring the future and past population trends it is relatively easy to subset the dataset by your selected variable. __ file population names(population) [Read more...]

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