#BlackInDataWeek is a free, online data conference taking place November
16-21, 2020
It's a week-long celebration to (1) highlight the valuable work and
experiences of Black people in the field of Data, (2) provide community,
and (3) educational and professional resources. [Read more...]
#BlackInDataWeek is a free, online data conference taking place November
16-21, 2020
It's a week-long celebration to (1) highlight the valuable work and
experiences of Black people in the field of Data, (2) provide community,
and (3) educational and professional resources. [Read more...]
The big book of R is an open-source web page created by #rstats community
member Oscar Baruffa. The page functions as an easy to navigate, one-stop
shop for available books on the R programming language. [Read more...]
I just released my first open-source package: pelotonR! The package was
created to provide users with sample access to Peloton data through R.
Learn more at the website: https://lgellis.github.io/pelotonR/
A few weeks ago, my tweet on the R patchwork package went nerd viral. I
analyze the tweet performance and possible impact on the patchwork package
downloads. I’ll arrange the resulting graphs with patchwork!
As a bonus, I’ll show y’all how I added an image to the ...
See which US states are most excited about Thanksgiving. Explore Google
search popularity for the keyword “thanksgiving” while creating easy US
maps in R using the usmap package.