Articles by kjytay

NBA salaries

August 28, 2020 | kjytay

I came across a dataset of NBA player salaries from the 1984-1985 season to the 2017-2018 season here, and I thought it would be a fun dataset to practice my tidyverse skills on. All the code for this post can … Continue reading →
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Basic manipulation of GIF frames with magick

August 6, 2020 | kjytay

The magick package is a really powerful package for image processing in R. The official vignette is a great place to start learning how to use the package. I’ve been playing around with using magick for manipulating GIFs and found … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Image contours in R

August 5, 2020 | kjytay

I recently came across this short fun post on R-bloggers that demonstrated how to use the image.ContourDetector package (available on CRAN) to extract contours from an image. The image of the contours looked really cool so I thought I would … Continue reading →
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What is nearly-isotonic regression?

May 26, 2020 | kjytay

Let’s say we have data such that . (We assume no ties among the ‘s for simplicity.) Isotonic regression gives us a monotonic fit for the ‘s by solving the problem (See this previous post for more details.) Nearly-isotonic regression, … Continue reading →
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What is isotonic regression?

May 24, 2020 | kjytay

Isotonic regression is a method for obtaining a monotonic fit for 1-dimensional data. Let’s say we have data such that . (We assume no ties among the ‘s for simplicity.) Informally, isotonic regression looks for such that the ‘s approximate … Continue reading →
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glmnet v4.0: generalizing the family parameter

May 14, 2020 | kjytay

I’ve had the privilege of working with Trevor Hastie on an extension of the glmnet package which has just been released. In essence, the glmnet() function’s family parameter can now be any object of class family. This enables the user … Continue reading →
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A deep dive into glmnet: predict.glmnet

March 27, 2020 | kjytay

I’m writing a series of posts on various function options of the glmnet function (from the package of the same name), hoping to give more detail and insight beyond R’s documentation. In this post, instead of looking at one of … Continue reading →
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rOpenSci community calls

March 24, 2020 | kjytay

This is a short PSA about an R resource that I recently learnt about (and participated in): rOpenSci community calls. According to the website, these community calls happen quarterly, and is a place where the public can learn about “best … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Extended floating point precision in R with Rmpfr

March 18, 2020 | kjytay

I learnt from a recent post on John Cook’s excellent blog that it’s really easy to do extended floating point computations in R using the Rmpfr package. Rmpfr is R’s wrapper around the C library MPFR, which stands for “Multiple … Continue reading →
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A deep dive into glmnet: type.gaussian

March 13, 2020 | kjytay

I’m writing a series of posts on various function options of the glmnet function (from the package of the same name), hoping to give more detail and insight beyond R’s documentation. In this post, we will look at the type.gaussian … Continue reading →
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Generating correlation matrix for AR(1) model

February 7, 2020 | kjytay

Assume that we are in the time series data setting, where we have data at equally-spaced times which we denote by random variables . The AR(1) model, commonly used in econometrics, assumes that the correlation between and is , where is … Continue reading →
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Non-negative least squares

November 27, 2019 | kjytay

Imagine that one has a data matrix consisting of observations, each with features, as well as a response vector . We want to build a model for using the feature columns in . In ordinary least squares (OLS), one seeks … Continue reading →
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An unofficial vignette for the gamsel package

November 24, 2019 | kjytay

I’ve been working on a project/package that closely mirrors that of GAMSEL (generalized additive model selection), a method for fitting sparse generalized additive models (GAMs). In preparing my package, I realized that (i) the gamsel package which implements GAMSEL doesn’t have … Continue reading →
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Use mfcol to have plots drawn by column

October 7, 2019 | kjytay

To plot multiple figures on a single canvas in base R, we can change the graphical parameter mfrow. For instance, the code below tells R that subsequent figures will by drawn in a 2-by-3 array: If we then run this … Continue reading →
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Lesser known dplyr functions

August 30, 2019 | kjytay

The dplyr package is an essential tool for manipulating data in R. The “Introduction to dplyr” vignette gives a good overview of the common dplyr functions (list taken from the vignette itself): filter() to select cases based on their values. arrange() to … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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