Articles by Kasia Kulma

Why empathy is key for Data Science initiatives

November 4, 2019 | Kasia Kulma

When we think of empathy in a career, we perhaps think of a nurse with a good bedside manner, or perhaps a particularly astute manager or HR professional. Data science is probably one of the last disciplines where empathy would seem to be important. However, this misconception is one that ... [Read more...]

LondonR calling

January 23, 2019 | Kasia Kulma

It’s the New Year and we’re kicking off 2019 with our first LondonR! The meetup took place on the 15th of January, and we were delighted to have about 100 people in attendance. With excellent speakers lined-up and a free bar for networking, we started 2019 with a BANG! Please find ...
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