Articles by Karsten W.

Heating costs

December 28, 2011 | Karsten W.

In 2010, my heating costs exceeded my advance payments by about 25%. This motivated me to decompose the costs to see what drove the changes. Here is the result:The numbers refer to Euros. Read von right to left: 2010 was a cold year (+102EUR), but gas consumption in this house was relatively ...
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Regional differences on what drives CO2 emissions

July 20, 2011 | Karsten W.

If you are investigating the change of CO2 emissions, then you might ask: Where do the changes occur? Well here is the answer.The staircase plots show the contributing factors to CO2 emissions for each continent. population refers to population effects, gdp_pcap refers to income per capita, energy_intensity ...
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Reproducible blogging

July 10, 2011 | Karsten W.

As a fact-based blog, the posts here contain very often diagrams and data tables. To enable you to reproduce the results and insights, I include the computations as computer code.Most blogposts I write are markdown text combined (or weaved) with computer code written in the R language. I created ... [Read more...]

Index decomposition with R

July 9, 2011 | Karsten W.

Few days ago, I finally finished a small package ida. It enables you to analyse contributions of underlying factors to the change in an aggregate, using methods based on index number theory. These methods have become popular by, but are not restricted to, investigating the change of CO2 emissions.Here ...
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head and tail for strings

October 2, 2010 | Karsten W.

The functions head and tail are very useful for working with lists, tables, data frames and even functions.But they do not work on strings. It is easy to define such functions__ strtail + if(n+ substring(s,1-n) + else + substring(s,nchar(s)-n+1)+ }__ strhead + if(n+ substr(s,1,nchar(... [Read more...]

Tuning Notepad++

August 12, 2010 | Karsten W.

Here are some tricks I collected for making Notepad++ a more comfortable text editor for me in general in for the R programming language in particular.Switch between tabs in Notepad++ with Ctrl-PageUp/DownNotepad++'s default behaviour is to use Ctrl+(S... [Read more...]

use R! 2010 conference — reflections

August 4, 2010 | Karsten W.

From July 20-23, this year's use R! conference took place in Gaithersburg near Washington. I attended the conference as part of my holidays in the U.S. and had a good time there. I met some people, even though that is not the easiest thing for me to do, and ... [Read more...]

Rosetta language popularity

March 13, 2010 | Karsten W.

Rosetta Code is a community wiki which presents how to solve various programming tasks by different programming languages. Thus, it serves as a dictionary between programming languages, but also as cookbook of programming recipes for a specific language.One unsolved (until today) programming task for R was to rank languages ... [Read more...]

inkblot: an alternative to stacked bar graphs

February 25, 2010 | Karsten W.

Sometimes it is not easy to get useful information from a stacked bar chart, see for instance this blogpost at Support Analytics.So-called inkblot charts, as discussed at Kaiser Fung's Junk Charts, allow the reader to focus on the evolution of a time series.Now how to make this kind ... [Read more...]
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