Articles by JottR on R

Trust the Future

November 4, 2020 | JottR on R

Each time we use R to analyze data, we rely on the assumption that functions used produce correct results. If we can’t make this assumption, we have to spend a lot of time validating every nitty detail. Luckily, we don’t have to do ...
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future and future.apply – Some Recent Improvements

July 11, 2020 | JottR on R

There are new versions of future and future.apply - your friends in the parallelization business - on CRAN. These updates are mostly maintenance updates with bug fixes, some improvements, and preparations for upcoming changes. It’s been some time since I blogged about these packages, so here is the ... [Read more...]

useR! 2019 Slides on Futures

July 12, 2019 | JottR on R

Below are the slides for my Future: Simple Parallel and Distributed Processing in R that I presented at the useR! 2019 conference in Toulouse, France on July 9-12, 2019. My talk (25 slides; ~15+3 minutes): Title: Future: Simple Parallel and Dist...
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SatRday LA 2019 Slides on Futures

May 16, 2019 | JottR on R

A bit late but here are my slides on Future: Friendly Parallel Processing in R for Everyone that I presented at the satRday LA 2019 conference in Los Angeles, CA, USA on April 6, 2019. My talk (33 slides; ~45 minutes): Title: : Friendly Parallel...
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SatRday Paris 2019 Slides on Futures

March 7, 2019 | JottR on R

Below are links to my slides from my talk on Future: Friendly Parallel Processing in R for Everyone that I presented last month at the satRday Paris 2019 conference in Paris, France (February 23, 2019). My talk (32 slides; ~40 minutes): Title: F...
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Maintenance Updates of Future Backends and doFuture

January 6, 2019 | JottR on R

New versions of the following future backends are available on CRAN: future.callr - parallelization via callr, i.e. on the local machine future.batchtools - parallelization via batchtools, i.e. on a compute cluster with job schedulers (SLURM, SGE, Torque/PBS, etc.) but also on the local machine future.... [Read more...]

future 1.9.0 – Output from The Future

July 22, 2018 | JottR on R

future 1.9.0 - Unified Parallel and Distributed Processing in R for Everyone - is on CRAN. This is a milestone release: Standard output is now relayed from futures back to the master R session - regardless of where the futures are processed! Disclaimer: A future’s output is relayed only after ...
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R.devices – Into the Void

July 20, 2018 | JottR on R

R.devices 2.16.0 - Unified Handling of Graphics Devices - is on CRAN. With this release, you can now easily suppress unwanted graphics, e.g. graphics produced by one of those do-everything-in-one-call functions that we all bump into once in a while. To suppress graphics, the R.devices package provides graphics ... [Read more...]
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