#GOT Animating the Shifting of Affiliations
My first steps using the gganimate package using Game of Thrones
data! [Read more...]
<span>rm</span><span>(</span><span>list</span> <span>=</span> <span>ls</span><span>())</span> <span>library</span><span>(</span><span>"printr"</span><span>)</span> knitr<span>::</span>opts_knit<span>$</span>set<span>(</span>root.dir <span>=</span> <span>normalizePath</span><span>(</span><span>".."</span><span>))</span>Considerations Use h2 ## in R files to spin, because h1 is reserved for title post. At the begin of R script write a chunk of R code loading the print package This post have some considerations ... [Read more...]
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