Articles by Joseph Rickert

R User Groups Highlight R Creativity

October 1, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert I have been a big fan of R user groups since I attended my first meeting. There is just something about the vibe of being around people excited about what they are doing that feels good. From a speaker's perspective, presenting at an R user Group meeting ... [Read more...]

Why Big Data? Learning Curves

September 29, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Bob Horton Microsoft Senior Data Scientist Learning curves are an elaboration of the idea of validating a model on a test set, and have been widely popularized by Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning course on Coursera. Here I present a simple simulation that illustrates this idea. Imagine you use ... [Read more...]

The R Consortium Gears Up For Business

September 24, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert This week, the Infrastructure Steering Committee (ISC) of the R Consortium unanimously elected Hadley Wickham as its chair thereby also giving Hadley a seat on the R Consortium board of directors. Congratulations Hadley!! This is a major step forward towards putting the R Consortium in business. Not ... [Read more...]

Reading Financial Time Series Data with R

September 17, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert In a recent post focused on plotting time series with the new dygraphs package, I did not show how easy it is to read financial data into R. However, in a thoughtful comment to the post, Achim Zeileis pointed out a number of features built into the ... [Read more...]

The New Microsoft Data Science User Group Program

September 10, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert We are very pleased to announce that Microsoft will not only continue the Revolution Analytics’ tradition of supporting R user groups worldwide, but is expanding the scope of the user group program. The new 2016 Microsoft Data Science User Group Sponsorship Program is open to all user groups ... [Read more...]

Looking after Datasets

September 1, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Antony Unwin University of Augsburg, Germany David Moore's definition of data: numbers that have been given a context. Here is some context for the finch dataset: Fig 1: Illustrations of the beaks of four of Darwin's finches from "The Voyage of the Beagle". Note that only one of these (fortis) ... [Read more...]

5 New R Packages for Data Scientists

August 20, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert One great beauty of the R ecosystem, and perhaps the primary reason for R’s phenomenal growth, is the system for contributing new packages. This, coupled to the rock solid stability of CRAN, R’s primary package repository, gives R a great advantage. However, anyone with enough ... [Read more...]

R News From JSM 2015

August 13, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert We can declare 2015 the year that R went mainstream at the JSM. There is no doubt about it, the calculations, visualizations and deep thinking of a great many of the world's statisticians are rendered or expressed in R and the JSM is with the program. In 2013 I ... [Read more...]

How do you know if your data has signal?

August 11, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Nina Zumel Data Scientist Win-Vector LLC Image by Liz Sullivan, Creative Commons. Source: Wikimedia An all too common approach to modeling in data science is to throw all possible variables at a modeling procedure and "let the algorithm sort it out." This is tempting when you are not sure ... [Read more...]

A simple statnet model of CRAN

August 6, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert In a recent post on creating JavaScript network graphs directly from R, my colleague and fellow blogger, Andrie de Vries, included a link to a saved graph of CRAN. Here, I will use that same graph (network) to build a simple exponential random graph model using functions ... [Read more...]

A Short Introduction to Bioconductor

August 4, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Peter Hickey (@PeteHaitch) One of the keys to R's success as a software environment for data analysis is the availability of user-contributed packages. Most useRs will be familiar with (and very grateful for) the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The packages available on CRAN, nearly 7000 at last count, cover ... [Read more...]

MRAN’s Packages Spotlight

July 30, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert New R packages just keep coming. The following plot, constructed with information from the monthly files on Dirk Eddelbuettel's CRANberries site, shows a plot of the number of new packages released to CRAN between January 1, 2013 and July 27, 2015 by month (not quite 31 months). This is amazing growth! The ... [Read more...]

Efficient Accumulation in R

July 28, 2015 | Joseph Rickert

by John MountData Scientist, Win-Vector LLC R has a number of very good packages for manipulating and aggregating data (plyr, sqldf, RevoScaleR, data.table, and more), but when it comes to accumulating results the beginning R user is often at sea. The... [Read more...]
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