Articles by Joseph Rickert

How R Grows

May 2, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert Saturday morning I was drinking my coffee wondering how much effort goes into R worldwide. (It’s my job.) I noticed that there were 4469 packages on CRAN, and it occurred to me that tabulating the packages by publication date would give some indication of how much effort ... [Read more...]

Lahman: A New R Package for Baseball Stats

April 25, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert Baseball fans have been serious about statistics since Carl Pearson was a young man (although I doubt that Carl followed the game). It is not clear, though, exactly when baseball statisticians moved from doing descriptive stats into predictive analytics. In his book Super Crunchers, Ian Ayers credits ... [Read more...]

Stepwise Regression for Big Data with RevoScaleR

April 11, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert In a recent blog post, Revolution's Thomas Dinsmore announced stepwise regression for big data as a new feature of Revolution R Enterprise 6.2 that is scheduled for general availability later this month. Today, I would like to provide a simple example of doing stepwise regression with rxLinMod() (the ... [Read more...]

Some R User Group Presentations from Europe

April 9, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert I am beginning to get excited about going to Spain for useR 2013 which will be held at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, so I have been using the links on the Revolution's local user directory webpage to see what the European R user groups are doing. Here ... [Read more...]

An Introduction to SAS for R Programmers

April 4, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert Life decisions are usually much too complicated to be attributed to any single cause, but one important reason that I am here at Revolution today is that I ignored suggestions from well-meaning faculty back in graduate school to work more in SAS rather than doing everything in ... [Read more...]

R User Groups Continue to Grow

April 1, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert R user groups seem to be sprouting all over. Since last September we have noticed ten new groups worldwide: Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland-R-Users-Group (AKLRUG) had 33 people attend their March 8th meeting Chang Mai Thailand: Chang Mai is the first R user group in Thailand Durban, South Africa: ... [Read more...]

Lots of data != "Big Data"

March 28, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert When talking with data scientists and analysts — who are working with large scale data analytics platforms such as Hadoop — about the best way to do some sophisticated modeling task it is not uncommon for someone to say, "We have all of the data. Why not just use ... [Read more...]

R’s Garden of Probability Distributions

March 21, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert If you type ?Distributions at the R console you get a list of the 21 probability distributions included in the stats package that ships with base R. The same list appears in the Introduction to R Manual on CRAN and in most of the many fine introductory books ... [Read more...]

Data Science Education gets personal

March 14, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph B. Rickert It is difficult to imagine that there is anyone on the planet with an internet connection and a desire to learn something new who has not at least looked into taking a massive open online course (MOOC). Last Fall, in an 11/4/12 article, the New York Time ... [Read more...]

A Review of the R Graphics Cookbook

February 11, 2013 | Joseph Rickert

A common criticism of R, especially from data scientists who are new to R but proficient in multiple programming languages, is that R is “quirky” and annoying because there is almost always more than one way to do simple things. I usually counter that they are trying to say that ... [Read more...]

Benchmarking bigglm

November 13, 2012 | Joseph Rickert

By Joseph Rickert In a recent blog post, David Smith reported on a talk that Steve Yun and I gave at STRATA in NYC about building and benchmarking Poisson GLM models on various platforms. The results presented showed that the rxGlm function from Revolution Analytics’ RevoScaleR package running on a ... [Read more...]

Simple tools for building a recommendation engine

April 19, 2012 | Joseph Rickert

By Joseph Rickert Revolution’s resident economist, Saar Golde, is very fond of saying that “90% of what you might from a recommendation engine can be achieved with simple techniques”. To illustrate this point (without doing a lot of work), we downloaded the million row movie dataset from ... [Read more...]

Review of "The Art of R Programming" by Norman Matloff

November 29, 2011 | Joseph Rickert

By Joseph Rickert Anyone seeking to learn R faces two major challenges: (1) learning how to swim in the sea of information: R packages, books, websites, blog posts, message boards etc. that threatens to drown a newbie and (2) and coming to grips with the structure, syntax and features of the language ... [Read more...]
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