Articles by Joseph Rickert

A look at the igraph package

November 13, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert The igraph package has become a fundamental tool for the study of graphs and their properties, the manipulation and visualization of graphs and the statistical analysis of networks. To get an idea of just how firmly igraph has become embedded into the R package ecosystem consider that ... [Read more...]

3D Plots with ggplot2 and Plotly

November 11, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Matt Sundquist Plotly, co-founder Plotly is a platform for data analysis, graphing, and collaboration. You can use ggplot2, Plotly's R API, and Plotly's web app to make and share interactive plots. Now, you can you can also make 3D plots. Immediately below are a few examples of 3D plots. ... [Read more...]

Looking into a very messy data set

November 6, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert I recently had the opportunity to look at the data used for the 2009 KDD Cup competition. There are actually two sets of files that are still available from this competition. The "large" file is a series of five .csv files that when concatenated form a data set ... [Read more...]

A Look at the World Values Survey

November 4, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Peggy Fan Ph.D. Candidate at Stanford's Graduate School of Education Part of my dissertation at Stanford Graduate School of Education, International Comparative Education program, is looking at the World Values Survey (WVS), a cross-national social survey that started in 1981. Since then there has been 6 waves, and the surveys ... [Read more...]

Type III tests and R

October 28, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Terry M. Therneau Ph.D. Faculty, Mayo Clinic About a year ago there was a query about how to do "type 3" tests for a Cox model on the R help list, which someone wanted because SAS does it. The SAS addition looked suspicious to me, but as the author ... [Read more...]

A first look at Distributed R

October 23, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert One of the most interesting R related presentations at last week’s Strata Hadoop World Conference in New York City was the session on Distributed R by Sunil Venkayala and Indrajit Roy, both of HP Labs. In short, Distributed R is an open source project with the ... [Read more...]

A Note on Tweedie

October 9, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert In a recent post I talked about the information that can be developed by fitting a Tweedie GLM to a 143 million record version of the airlines data set. Since I started working with them about a year or so ago, I now see Tweedie models everywhere. Basically, ... [Read more...]

R and Data Science Webinar

October 2, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert Recently, I had the opportunity to present a webinar on R and Data Science. The challenge with attempting this sort of thing is to say something interesting that does justice to the subject while being suitable for an audience that may include both experienced R users and ... [Read more...]

Why are we still teaching T-tests?

September 30, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

The following post by Norm Matloff originally appeared on his blog, Mad(Data)Scientist, on September 15th. We rarely republish posts that have appeared on other blogs, however, the questions that Norm raises both with respect to the teaching of statistics, and his assertion that "R's statistical procedures are centered ... [Read more...]

DescTools: a new R "misc package"

September 25, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert One of the most difficult things about R, a problem that is particularly vexing to beginners, is finding things. This is an unintended consequence of R's spectacular, but mostly uncoordinated, organic growth. The R core team does a superb job of maintaining the stability and growth of ... [Read more...]

How to publish R and ggplot2 to the web

September 23, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Matt Sundquist, Plotly Co-founder It's delightfully smooth to publish R code, plots, and presentations to the web. For example: Shiny makes interactive apps from R. Pretty R highlights R code for HTML. Slidify makes slides from R Markdown. Knitr and RPubs let you publish R Markdown docs. GitHub and ...
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Comparing machine learning models in R

September 18, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert While preparing for the DataWeek R Bootcamp that I conducted this week I came across the following gem. This code, based directly on a Max Kuhn presentation of a couple years back, compares the efficacy of two machine learning models on a training data set. #----------------------------------------- # SET ... [Read more...]

R at Conferences this Fall

September 11, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert The days are getting shorter here in California and the summer R conferences UseR!2014 and JSM are behind us, but there are still some very fine conferences for R users to look forward to before the year ends. DataWeek starts in San Francisco on September 15th. I ... [Read more...]

The Collatz Conjecture Continued

September 9, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Seth Mottaghinejad Let's review the Collatz conjecture, which says that given a positive integer n, the following recursive algorithm will always terminate: if n is 1, stop, otherwise recurse on the following if n is even, then divide it by 2 if n is odd, then multiply it by 3 and add 1 ... [Read more...]

Long Memory and the Nile: Herodotus, Hurst and H

September 4, 2014 | Joseph Rickert

by Joseph Rickert The ancient Egyptians were a people with long memories. The lists of their pharaohs went back thousands of years, and we still have the names and tax assessments for certain persons and institutions from the time of Ramesses II. When Herodotus began writing about Egypt and the ... [Read more...]
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