Articles by Jonathan Carroll

Bad Neighbours (no, not the movie)

April 29, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution. This one also comes from the FiveThiryEight Puzzler challenge courtesy of Xi’an The original challenge this time was The misanthropes are coming. Suppose there is...Continue Reading →
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Solving Inequality (the math kind)

April 27, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

This neat approach showed up recently as an answer to a FiveThirtyEight puzzle and of course I couldn’t help but throw it at dplyr as soon as I could. Turns out that’s not a terrible idea. The question posed is...Continue Reading →
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Simpler isn’t always faster

April 14, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

My name is Jonathan, and I have a coding obsession. I'll admit it, the Hadleyverse has ruined me. I can no longer read a blog post or stackoverflow question in base R and leave it be. There are improvements to...Continue Reading →
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52vis Week 2 Challenge

April 10, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

From Bob Rudis' blog comes a weekly data/coding challenge. I didn't quite get the time to tackle last week's but I thought this one offered up a pretty good opportunity. Half the challenge is of course data processing/tidying, which is...Continue Reading →
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Bring on the ROpenSci #auunconf 2016!

March 31, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

I'll be heading to the 2016 ROpenSci un-conference (hackathon) in Brisbane later this month to smash out a heap of open-science R code. Ideas are already flowing quite nicely, and I'm confident that any ideas we don't end up officially...Continue Reading →
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Image marginal histograms

March 11, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

Another day, another interesting challenge. I follow Bob Rudis' (a.k.a. hrbrmstr's) blog, typically via R-bloggers, and this post caught my eye. Partly because I thought I knew of an existing way to do this. As usual, actually getting that to...Continue Reading →
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Is it crowded in here?

March 9, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

This was a neat graphic that someone made. It shows the population at a given latitude or longitude as a bar chart, overlayed on a map of the world itself. It shows where people live; the bigger the bar, the...Continue Reading →
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Adelaide Traffic – Part I

January 28, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

Have you seen the little shark-fins on top of some traffic light control boxes? Have you seen the new 'x minutes to y road' signs? Did you know they're connected? DPTI installed a heap of bluetooth sensors around Adelaide and...Continue Reading →
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