Articles by Jonathan Carroll

Even more images as x-axis labels

October 16, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

This is the last update to this strange saga… I hope. Image labels… Photo: Easily two of the most popular posts on my blog are this one and this one describing a couple of ways in which I managed to hack together using an ...
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Adding strings in R

October 5, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

This started out as a “hey, I wonder…” sort of thing, but as usual, they tend to end up as interesting voyages into the deepest depths of code, so I thought I’d write it up and share. Shoutout to [@coolbutuseless]( for proving that a little ...
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Adding strings in R

October 5, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

This started out as a “hey, I wonder…” sort of thing, but as usual, they tend to end up as interesting voyages into the deepest depths of code, so I thought I’d write it up and share. Shoutout to @coolbutuseless...Continue Reading →
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Constricted development with reticulate

April 4, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

I’ve been using the reticulate package occasionally for a while now, so I was surprised to see that it had only just been officially released. reticulate: R interface to Python Comprehensive set of interoperability tools including R Markdown Python engine #rstats #pydata [Read more...]

Constricted development with reticulate

April 4, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

I’ve been using the reticulate package occasionally for a while now, so I was surprised to see that it had only just been officially released. reticulate: R interface to Python Comprehensive set of interoperability tools including R Markdown Python...Continue Reading → [Read more...]

JC and the Vignettes

March 6, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

If that’s not a great 1960’s band name then I don’t know what is (hint: I don’t know what is). At the start of the year I set out my ‘goals for 2018’ just like many of us do; an overly ambitious list of things we’d like ...
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JC and the Vignettes

March 5, 2018 | Jonathan Carroll

If that’s not a great 1960’s band name then I don’t know what is (hint: I don’t know what is). At the start of the year I set out my ‘goals for 2018’ just like many of us do; an...Continue Reading →
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Images as x-axis labels (updated)

June 2, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

They say "if you want to find an answer on the internet, just present a wrong one as fact. Then wait." It didn't take long, actually. Despite my searches while trying to get images into x-axis labels it seems I...Continue Reading →
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Images as x-axis labels (updated)

June 2, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

They say “if you want to find an answer on the internet, just present a wrong one as fact. Then wait.“ It didn’t take long, actually. Despite my searches while trying to get images into x-axis labels it seems I...Continue Reading →
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Images as x-axis labels

June 2, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

Open-source software is awesome. If I found that a piece of closed-source software was missing a feature that I wanted, well, bad luck. I probably couldn’t even tell if was actually missing or if I just didn’t know about it....Continue Reading → [Read more...]

Images as x-axis labels

June 2, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

Open-source software is awesome. If I found that a piece of closed-source software was missing a feature that I wanted, well, bad luck. I probably couldn't even tell if was actually missing or if I just didn't know about it....Continue Reading →
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Bad Neighbours (no, not the movie)

April 29, 2016 | Jonathan Carroll

Another day, another compulsion to see if I can do any better than someone’s solution. This one also comes from the FiveThiryEight Puzzler challenge courtesy of Xi’an The original challenge this time was The misanthropes are coming. Suppose there is...Continue Reading →
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