Articles by Jonathan Carroll

Book Review – Pandas Workout

February 12, 2025 | Jonathan Carroll

Python seems to be everywhere these days, and I’m really into learning languages, so it should come as no surprise that I’m learning a lot of Python. This post serves as a review of Pandas Workout as well as a ‘first impression’ review of the Pandas a...
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These Languages are Accumulating

November 27, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

I keep saying that the more programming languages you know, the more you will understand all the others you know - I’m now at the point where I want to solve every problem I see in a handful of different languages. They all offer different functionalit... [Read more...]

Polyglot Maxxie and Minnie

October 25, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

Continuing my theme of learning all the languages, I took the opportunity of a programming puzzle to try out the same approach in a handful of different languages to compare how they work. For an upcoming APL’ers meetup the challenge was set as posed a...
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Monads in R

October 17, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

In this post I describe a useful programming pattern that I implemented, and hopefully provide a gentle introduction to the idea of monads. The motivation for all of this was that I had a {dplyr} pipeline as part of a {shiny} app that queries a database and I wanted to “...
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In-Place Modifications

September 24, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

In this post I explore some differences between R, python, julia, and APL in terms of mutability, and try to make something that probably shouldn’t exist. I watched this code_report video which describes a leetcode problem; You are given an integer ar... [Read more...]

Side by Side Comparison – Gleam vs R

September 4, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

Gleam vs R I thoroughly dislike ‘hot takes’ comparing programming languages based solely on a “feel” or differential familiarity (“I know this one better therefore it is better) so when I came across a blog post detailing a small learning project wr...
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IPv4 Components in APL

August 21, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

At a recent APL-focussed Meetup someone posed a challenge to slice up the components of an IPv4 address with an APL language and it prompted me to learn a bit more about how that works in general and how I could do the processing in APL myself. The person who ... [Read more...]

Tidy DataFrames but not Tibbles

August 10, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

A while ago (2019 seems so long ago now) I started working on something I thought was interesting but which never really got any traction. It has potential once more, so it’s about time I wrote up what it does and why I think it’s a useful idea. I’...
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Let’s Talk About the Weather

July 26, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

A while ago I made some plots I really liked, but I never made a blog post about them. Then the data source stopped working and I couldn’t make them again. Now there’s a new data source, so it’s time for a post about some weather data! ...
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Digits Dilemma

June 14, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

Another day, another short riddle to be solved with several programming languages! This one is nice because solving it doesn’t need a lot of code, but it uses some interesting aspects of evaluation. I saw this post which isn’t new (it’s from 2022) that poses a nice problem ... [Read more...]

Iterative Square Root

May 28, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

I saw a toot celebrating a short, clean implementation of a square root finding algorithm and wanted to dig a bit deeper into how it works, with a diversion into some APL. This was the toot from Jim Gardner Doubly pleased with myself. Been doing the Tour of Go. Got ... [Read more...]

I Patched R to Solve an Exercism Problem

February 25, 2024 | Jonathan Carroll

With a serious yak shaving deviation, I have a really short “cheat” solution to one of the featured Exercism problems. It’s been a really insightful journey getting to this point, and as always I’ve learned a lot along the way. The fact that I was able to understand ...
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Advent of Array Elegance (AoC2023 Day 7)

December 9, 2023 | Jonathan Carroll

I’m solving Advent of Code this year using a relaxed criteria compared to last year in that I’m allowing myself to use packages where they’re helpful, rather than strictly base R. Last year I re-solved half of the exercises using Rust which helped me l...
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Advent of Code 2022

November 27, 2023 | Jonathan Carroll

In the lead up to Christmas each year, Advent of Code offers a series of 25 puzzles which start out reasonably simple, but get progressively harder, eventually requiring knowledge of algorithms and dynamic programming techniques. Last year I solved the...
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Print Debugging (Now with Icecream!)

November 6, 2023 | Jonathan Carroll

Print debugging has its place. Sure, it’s not always the best way to debug something, but it can often be the fastest. In this post I describe a useful way to do this in Rust and how we can get similar behaviour in R. I love the Rust dbg! ... [Read more...]

Hooray, Array!

October 8, 2023 | Jonathan Carroll

If you’re reading this hoping that I’m done with droning on about array-languages, close the tab… it only gets worse from here. If you thought APL was unreadable, even after my earlier blog posts, again - close button is right there. In this post I try out a ...
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