Articles by Joe Roe

rpaleoclim v1.0.0: paleoclimate data in R

May 1, 2023 | Joe Roe

PaleoClim (Brown et al. 2018, Scientific Data) is a set of high-resolution paleoclimate surfaces covering the whole world. The data is derived from HadCM3, one of the major ‘general circulation models’ that is used to forecast climate change, turned backwards to ‘predict’ conditions for key climate periods in the past. This ...
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Beta release of era

November 11, 2020 | Joe Roe

era is a small R package for working with different year numbering systems. There are a few systems in use in archaeology, geology, and other palaeosciences; for example, the year 10,000 BCE is 11,950 Before Present or 11.95 ka. It is usually fine to store years as a plain numeric vector in R, ... [Read more...]

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