Articles by Jeff Allen

shinyStore – Persistent Client-Side Storage in Shiny

September 11, 2014 | Jeff Allen

We’re thrilled to announce the availability of shinyStore, an R package that enables HTML5 Web Storage from Shiny, an interactive web application framework for R. A live demo of an example application is available here. Set a text value then refresh the page, or close the tab and come ... [Read more...]

shinyTree: jsTree + shiny

September 4, 2014 | Jeff Allen

We’re happy to announce the release of our latest R package, shinyTree. shinyTree is an integration of the jsTree library with the Shiny interactive web framework for R, which makes it simple for R developers to create web applications without knowing anything about HTML or JavaScript. You can view ... [Read more...]

Ace Code Editor in Shiny (shinyAce)

November 5, 2013 | Jeff Allen

The Ace code editor is an elegant, full-featured, browser-based code editor used in such products as RStudio’s IDE. We’re announcing a new R package called shinyAce (now available on CRAN) which integrates the Ace editor into the Shiny web framework. For those who may be unfamiliar, Shiny is ... [Read more...]

Interactive 3D in Shiny (shinyRGL)

October 13, 2013 | Jeff Allen

The rgl package has been used to produce rich, interactive 3D graphics within R using the OpenGL framework for some time. The rgl authors also added the ability to export to WebGL, allowing R authors to produce interactive 3D graphics that were accessible from within any modern web browser. This ... [Read more...]

Reproducing R: Scripts, Documents, and Packages

June 28, 2013 | Jeff Allen

I’m sharing the slides from the talk I’ll be giving at the Dallas R Users Group on creating R packages (and other techniques for reproducing R). I’ll introduce R scripts, reproducible R documents, and R packages. We’ll use the knitr, devtools, and roxygen2 packages in the ... [Read more...]

Package-Wide Variables/Cache in R Packages

April 8, 2013 | Jeff Allen

It’s often beneficial to have a variable shared between all the functions in an R package. One obvious example would be the maintenance of a package-wide cache for all of your functions. I’ve encountered this situation multiple times and always forget at least one important step in the ... [Read more...]

Graphical Tools (rgl) on a Headless Shiny Server

February 27, 2013 | Jeff Allen

If you’ve encountered errors such as Warning in rgl.init(initValue) : RGL: unable to open X11 display Warning in fun(libname, pkgname) : error in rgl_init or Error: rgl_dev_getcurrent when trying to use a graphically based package like RGL with Shiny Server, then you’re in the ... [Read more...]

Analysis of Public .Rhistory Files

February 20, 2013 | Jeff Allen

GitHub recently launched a more powerful search feature which has been used on more than one occasion to identify sensitive files that may be hosted in a public GitHub repository. When used innocently, there are all sorts of fun things you can find with this search feature. Inspired by Aldo ... [Read more...]

Introduction to Shiny Slides

February 9, 2013 | Jeff Allen

Below you can download the slides presented on February 9, 2013 at the Dallas R Users Group on RStudio’s Shiny framework which allows you to create interactive web applications in R. No knowledge of HTML or JavaScript is required! I introduce the alternatives and history of R programming on the web, ... [Read more...]

Deploying Shiny Server on Amazon EC2

February 8, 2013 | Jeff Allen

Setting up Shiny Server on Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) can be a bit of a process if you’re unfamiliar with Linux system administration. Thankfully, we’ve done all the hard work for you! If you’re looking to get Shiny Server running in EC2 without delay, just ... [Read more...]

Dallas R Users: Learn Shiny this Saturday, 2/9

February 5, 2013 | Jeff Allen

Just a heads-up for any R users in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex: I’ll be presenting at the Dallas R Users Group this Saturday, 2/9/2013 at 10:00AM at the University of Dallas (1845 East Northgate Drive, Irving, TX). I’ll be talking about how to use RStudio’s new Shiny framework ... [Read more...]

Reconstruct Gene Networks Using Shiny

December 6, 2012 | Jeff Allen

Check out the application on Glimmer!   We’ve been experimenting with RStudio’s new Shiny software as a way to quickly and easily create interactive, responsive web applications which are able to leverage complicated analytics back-ends built in the R programming language. We created ... [Read more...]

Color Palettes in HCL Space

October 12, 2012 | Jeff Allen

This is a quick follow-up to my previous post about Color Palettes in RGB Space. Achim Zeileis had commented that, perhaps, it would be more informative to evaluate the color palettes in HCL (polar LUV) space, as that spectrum more accurately describes how humans perceive color. Perhaps more clear trends ... [Read more...]

Color Palettes in RGB Space

June 20, 2012 | Jeff Allen

Introduction I've recently been interested in how to communicate information using color. I don't know much about the field of Color Theory, but it's an interesting topic to me. The selection of color palettes, in particular, has been a topic I've been faced with lately. I downloaded 18 different sequential color ... [Read more...]

Sermon Sentiment Analysis

November 22, 2011 | Jeff Allen

Matt Chandler vs. Mark Driscoll I came across an interesting API from Viral Heat which is capable of “Sentiment Analysis.” This analysis is designed to capture the sentiment of a statement by ranking it on a scale from -1 to 1. For instance, a chipper sentence like “The smell of roses ... [Read more...]

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