Articles by Jared

Using R to Win Worldle

March 17, 2022 | Jared

The Wordle craze has inspired many clones, including Worldle. In this version, you are shown an outline of a country or territory (including uninhabited islands) and have six guesses to figure out which country or territory is displayed. With each incorrect guess you are told how far the center of ...
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Analyzing Room Temperature Data

March 8, 2021 | Jared

In previous posts I talked about collecting temperature data from different rooms in my house and automating that process using Docker and GitHub Actions. Now it is time to analyze that data to figure out what is happening in the house to make informed decisions about replacing the HVAC units ...
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Automating Temperature Tracking

March 1, 2021 | Jared

In a recent post I talked about collecting temperature data from different rooms in my house. Using {targets}, I am able to get temperature readings for any given day down to five-minute increments and store that data on a DigitalOcean space. Since I want to be able to both fit ...
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Room by Room Temperature Tracking

February 22, 2021 | Jared

My R-using family have a very old house with uneven heating and cooling. We are going to replace the HVAC system soon and rather than just install a new system I wanted to make data-driven decisions about the replacement. Since I have a couple of ecobee Thermostats which have remote ...
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Why we went from DCR to R|Gov

November 9, 2020 | Jared

My team at Lander Analytics has been putting together conferences for six years, and they’ve always had the same fun format, which the community has really enjoyed. There’s the NYR conference for New Yorkers and those who want to fly, drive or train to join the New York ...
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The 2018 R Conference Was the Biggest Yet

May 1, 2018 | Jared

The 2018 New York R Conference was the biggest and best yet. This is both in terms of the crowd size and content.  The speakers included some of the R community’s best such as Hadley Wickham, David Robinson, Jennifer Hill, Max Kuhn, Andreas Mueller (ok, a little Python), Evelina Gabasova, ... [Read more...]

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