Articles by Ivan Svetunkov

Exporting R tables in LaTeX

October 12, 2016 | Ivan Svetunkov

Recently I have started using LaTeX for all my documents and presentations. Don’t ask me why, I just like how texts look there rather than in products of Microsoft (and I in general dislike MS… we have a long unpleasant history). So, I sometimes need to export tables from ... [Read more...]

This is just a test page for

January 28, 2016 | Ivan Svetunkov

This is just a test page for Ignore it, please. es() allows selecting between AIC (Akaike Information Criterion), AICc (Akaike Information Criterion corrected) and BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion, also known as Schwarz IC). The very basic information criterion is AIC. It is calculated for a chosen model using ... [Read more...]
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