Articles by INWT-Blog-RBloggers

Introducing the Kernelheaping Package II

July 13, 2018 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

In the first part of Introducing the Kernelheaping Package I showed how to compute and plot kernel density estimates on rounded or interval censored data using the Kernelheaping package. Now, let’s make a big leap forward to the 2-dimensional case. Interval censoring can be generalised to rectangles or alternatively ...
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Design Patterns in R

April 4, 2018 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

These notes are inspired by a talk by Stuart Sierra on Design Patterns in Functional Programming and some thoughts I found on F# for fun an profit and are reflection on how I use different strategies to solve things in R. Design Pattern seems to be a big word, especially ... [Read more...]

smoothScatter with ggplot2

March 5, 2018 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

The motivation for this plot is the function: graphics::smoothScatter, basically a plot of a two dimensional density estimator. In the following I want to reproduce the features with ggplot2. smoothScatter To have some data I draw some random numbers from a two dimensional normal distribution: library(ggplot2) library(MASS) ...
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Introducing the Kernelheaping Package

February 6, 2018 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

In this blog article I'd like to introduce the univariate kernel density estimation for heaped (i.e. rounded or interval censored) data with the Kernelheaping package. It is not unusual to have interval censored data such as in income surveys due to anonymisation or simplification issues. However, a simple task ...
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INWT’s guidelines for R code

January 25, 2018 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

"It turns out that style matters in programming for the same reason that it matters in writing. It makes for better reading.“ Douglas Crockford in JavaScript: The Good Parts Why do we need yet another style guide? "The reason to care about a style guide is just one thing: We ... [Read more...]

A Not So Simple Bar Plot Example Using ggplot2

December 12, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

This is a reproduction of the (simple) bar plot of chapter 6.1.1 in Datendesign mit R with ggplot2. To download the data you can use the following lines: dir.create("data") writeLines("*", "data/.gitignore") download.file("", "data/") unzip("data/alle_daten....
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Tips for A/B Testing with R

November 22, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

Which layout of an advertisement leads to more clicks? Would a different color or position of the purchase button lead to a higher conversion rate? Does a special offer really attract more customers – and which of two phrasings would be better? For a long time, people have trusted their gut ...
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Promises and Closures in R

November 1, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

At the moment I try to improve my knowledge about functional programming in R. Luckily there are some explanations on the topic in the web (adv-r and Cartesian Faith). Beginning to (re)discover the usefulness of closures, I remember some (at first sight) very strange behaviour. Actually it is consistent ...
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Plane Crash Data – Part 3: Visualisation

August 16, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, we scraped plane crash data from the web and complemented it with the geocoordinates of departure, crash and intended arrival location. In this third part, we will visualise the data on a map using the leaflet package. library("leaflet") library("geosphere") Again we ...
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Plane Crash Data – Part 1: Web Scraping

August 1, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

Several months ago I stumbled across the Kaggle data set Airplane Crashes Since 1908. Since I couldn't find the data source, I searched the web for historical plane crash data and quickly found the web page On this site you can find various tables inside tables with ...
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MariaDB monitor

March 7, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

MariaDB is currently the fastest growing open source database solution. It is mainly developed by the MariaDB corporation and is a fork of MySQL. The DBMS MariaDB with its various free features offers much, which MySQL does not provide or... [Read more...]

100 grams of Lego, please.

February 15, 2017 | INWT-Blog-RBloggers

Everyone who has children or deep down still is one himself might had the pleasure to find himself in a toy store's Lego counter once. Since it is my son's favourite father-son-activity to build Lego stuff I did so several times in the last year. Now as I stood in ...
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