Articles by indiacrunchin

Path from root to leaf node in mvpart

December 1, 2011 | indiacrunchin

I was recently asked by a R user about how one could extract the “rule” in a classification/regression tree. The requirement was to obtain the path traced from the root node to the leaf nodes and obtain all the paths or “rules” path.rpart() function in the mvpart package ... [Read more...]

GUI for sending email in R (using sendEmail)

November 30, 2011 | indiacrunchin

After writing the last post on using sendEmail to send email from R I decided to create a simple GUI to enable this functionality. A snapshot image of the GUI is shown above. To use this GUI, you will need to install the following packages in R: gWidgets gWidgetsRGtk2 Windows ... [Read more...]

Sending Email from R (using sendEmail)

November 25, 2011 | indiacrunchin

Like a lot of other R users I’ve felt the need for sending email from R. I haven’t surveyed CRAN for such a package but looked for the possibility of sending command line email in Windows. Found a nice application called sendEmail that can be found here Below ... [Read more...]

Finding functions in R

November 17, 2011 | indiacrunchin

When looking for functions whose exact name is unknown # Functions related to “shrinkage” methods“shrinkage”) Package sos does a great job in finding functions install.packages(“sos”) library(sos) shrinkageResults [Read more...]

Setting up AWS Cluster to use snow in R

November 8, 2011 | indiacrunchin

Setting up AWS Cluster I wanted to setup an AWS cluster to take a shot at a Kaggle contest – DunnHumby Challenge For this, I found StarCluster to be of great help. It allows you to set-up AWS nodes in a few lines of code ... [Read more...]

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