Articles by Ilya Kashnitsky

Male mortality in Russia and Japan

February 5, 2017 | Ilya Kashnitsky

Russia is sadly notorious for its ridiculously high adult male mortality. According to Human Mortality Database data (2010), the probability for a Russian men to survive from 20 to 60 was just 0.64 1. For women the probability is 0.87. This huge gender disproportion in mortality results in a peculiar sex ratio profile (see my old ...
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Sex ratios in all countries from Human Mortality Database

February 4, 2017 | Ilya Kashnitsky

Sex ratios reflect the two basic regularities of human demographics: 1) there are always more boys being born; 2) males experience higher mortality throughout their life-course. The sex ratio at birth does not vary dramatically1 and is more or less constant at the level of 105-106 boys per 100 girls. Hence, differences in ...
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