Articles by Ilya Kashnitsky

Rotate the damn plot

December 17, 2024 | Ilya Kashnitsky

Several days ago I saw a post on LinkedIn by Jornt Mandemakers with some very curious results from Gender and Generations Programme surveys. While representing interesting data, it was a perfect example of a way too common academic dataviz fallacy, an...
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Demographic Hall of Fame

December 31, 2023 | Ilya Kashnitsky

I selected 10 leading demographic journals and using Scopus data looked which demographers published most papers in there ✨ I also calculated the average citations per paper for these authors and average age of their papers (in color) 👀 Isn’t th...
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Save space in faceted plots

February 26, 2023 | Ilya Kashnitsky

Faceting1 is probably the most distinctive feature that defined the early success and wide adoption of ggplot2. Small-multiples are often a great dataviz choice.2 But one common problem is when your panels for the subsets of data requite vastly diffe...
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Save space in faceted plots

February 26, 2023 | Ilya Kashnitsky

Faceting1 is probably the most distinctive feature that defined the early success and wide adoption of ggplot2. Small-multiples are often a great dataviz choice.2 But one common problem is when your panels for the subsets of data requite vastly...
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