Articles by hrbrmstr

Send Mac OS Notifications From R

September 12, 2013 | hrbrmstr

The data retrieval and computation operations are taking longer and longer as we start cranking through more security data and I’ll often let tasks run in the background whilst performing more mundane tasks or wasting time on Twitter. For folks using RStudio Desktop on a Mac, you can use ...
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Reverse IP Address Lookups With R (From Simple To Bulk/Asynchronous)

August 12, 2013 | hrbrmstr

R lacks some of the more “utilitarian” features found in other scripting languages that were/are more geared—at least initially—towards systems administration. One of the most frustrating missing pieces for security data scientists is the lack of ability to perform basic IP address manipulations, including reverse DNS resolution (... [Read more...]

Visualizing Risky Words — Part 2

March 9, 2013 | hrbrmstr

This is a follow-up to my Visualizing Risky Words post. You’ll need to read that for context if you’re just jumping in now. Full R code for the generated images (which are pretty large) is at the end. Aesthetics are the primary reason for using a word cloud, ...
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Extended (Simple) ASN Graph Visualization Example [R to D3]

February 8, 2013 | hrbrmstr

The small igraph visualization in the previous post shows the basics of what you can do with the BulkOrigin & BulkPeer functions, and I thought a larger example with some basic D3 tossed in might be even more useful. Assuming you have the previous functions in your environment, the following builds ...
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Retrieve IP ASN & BGP Peer Info With R

February 7, 2013 | hrbrmstr

This is part of a larger project I’m working on, but it’s useful enough to share (github version coming soon). The fine folks at @TeamCymru have a great service to map IP addresses to ASN/BGP information en masse. There are libraries for Python, Perl and other languages ...
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SHODAN API in R (With Examples)

January 17, 2013 | hrbrmstr

Folks may debate the merits of the SHODAN tool, but in my opinion it’s a valuable resource, especially if used for “good”. What is SHODAN? I think ThreatPost summed it up nicely: “Shodan is a Web based search engine that discovers Internet facing computers, including desktops, servers and routers. ...
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How Low Can It [The Mississsippi River] Go?

January 12, 2013 | hrbrmstr

I’ve heard quite a bit about the current problems with the Mississippi River and wanted to see for myself (with data) just how bad it is. St Louis seems to be quite indicative of the severity of the situation, so I pulled the USGS “stream” records for it and ...
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Slopegraphs in R

January 11, 2013 | hrbrmstr

I updated the code to use ggsave and tweaked some of the font & line size values for more consistent (and pretty) output. This also means that I really need to get this up on github. If you even remotely follow this blog, you’ll see that I’m kinda obsessed ...
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Forbes Graph Makeover Contest Entry #1

December 5, 2012 | hrbrmstr

Naomi Robbins is running a graph makeover challenge over at her Forbes blog and this is my entry for the B2B/B2C Traffic Sources one (click for larger version): And, here’s the R source for how to generate it: library(ggplot2)   df = read.csv("b2bb2c....
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‘Sandy’ Code Up On Github

October 29, 2012 | hrbrmstr

UPDATE: As indicated in the code comments, Google took down the cone KML files. I’ll be changing the code to use the NHC archived cone files later tonight I will (most likely) not be littering the blog with any more updates to the ‘Sandy’ code unless they are really ...
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Watch Sandy in “R” (Including Forecast Cone)

October 28, 2012 | hrbrmstr

As indicated in the code comments, Google took down the cone KML files. I’ll be changing the code to use the NHC archived cone files later tonight NOTE: There is significantly updated code on github for the Sandy ‘R’ dataviz. This is a follow-up post to the quickly crafted ...
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Watch “Sandy” In R

October 27, 2012 | hrbrmstr

UPDATE: Significantly updated code on githubWell, a couple folks asked how to make it more “centered” on the hurricane and stop the labels from chopping off, so I modified the previous code a bit to show how to do that. As indicated in the code comments, Google took down the ...
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Get an R Data Frame from a MongoDB Query

October 22, 2012 | hrbrmstr

There’s a good FAQ on how to do the MongoDB query -__ R data frame but I wanted to post a more complete example that included the database connection and query setup since I suspect there are folks new to Mongo who would appreciate the end-to-end view. The code ... [Read more...]

DIY ZeroAccess GeoIP Analysis : So What?

October 8, 2012 | hrbrmstr

NOTE: A great deal of this post comes from @jayjacobs as he took a conversation we were having about thoughts on ways to look at the data and just ran like the Flash with it. Did you know that – if you’re a US citizen – you have approximately a 1 in 5 ...
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DIY ZeroAccess GeoIP Plots

October 5, 2012 | hrbrmstr

Since F-Secure was #spiffy enough to provide us with GeoIP data for mapping the scope of the ZeroAccess botnet, I thought that some aspiring infosec data scientists might want to see how to use something besides Google Maps & Google Earth to view the data. If you look at the CSV ...
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