Articles by hrbrmstr

Achieve Charting Zen With TauCharts

August 4, 2015 | hrbrmstr

There was some chatter on the twitters this week about a relatively new D3-based charting library called TauCharts (also @taucharts). The API looked pretty clean and robust, so I started working on an htmlwidget for it and was quickly joined by the Widget Master himself, @timelyportfolio. TauCharts definitely has ... [Read more...]

Two New R Packages – qrencoder & passwordrandom

August 2, 2015 | hrbrmstr

Believe it or not, there are two [1] [2] questions on @StackOverflowR about how to make QR codes in R. I personally think QR codes are kinda hokey, but who am I to argue with pressing needs of the #rstats community? I found libqrencode and it’s highly brew-able and apt-able (probably ...
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Introducing the nominatim geocoding package

July 29, 2015 | hrbrmstr

In the never-ending battle for truth, justice and publishing more R packages than Oliver, I whipped out an R package for the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API. It actually hits the MapQuest Nominatim Servers for most of the calls, but the functionality is the same. The R package lets you: address_lookup: ...
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Roll Your Own Gist Comments Notifier in R

July 25, 2015 | hrbrmstr

As I was putting together the coord_proj ggplot2 extension I had posted a ( that I shared on Twitter. Said gist received a comment (several, in fact) and a bunch of us were painfully reminded of the fact that there ... [Read more...]

Two pending features to metricsgraphics

July 5, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I’ve been slowly prodding the metricsgraphics package towards a 1.0.0 release, but there are some rough edges that still need sorting out. One of them is the ability to handle passing in variables for the x & y accessor values (you can pass in bare and quoted strings). This can now ... [Read more...]

DO Something Nifffty with R

June 19, 2015 | hrbrmstr

@briandconnelly (of pushoverr fame) made a super-cool post about connecting R to @IFTTT via IFTTT’s “Maker” channel. The IFTTT Maker interface to receive events is fairly straightforward and Brian’s code worked flawlessly, so it was easy to tweak a bit and wrap into a package. To get started, ...
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metricsgraphics 0.8.5 is now on CRAN!

June 15, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I’m super-pleased to announce that the Benevolent CRAN Overlords accepted the metricsgraphics package into CRAN over the weekend. Now, you no longer need to rely on github/devtools to use MetricsGraphics.js charts from your R scripts. If you’re not familiar with htmlwidgets, take a look at the ... [Read more...]

Animated US Hexbin Map of the Avian Flu Outbreak

June 7, 2015 | hrbrmstr

The recent announcement of the start of egg rationing in the U.S. made me curious enough about the avian flu outbreak to try to dig into the numbers a bit. I finally stumbled upon a USDA site that had an embedded HTML table of flock outbreak statistics by state, ... [Read more...]

Scraping jQuery DataTable Programmatic JSON with R

May 18, 2015 | hrbrmstr

School of Data had a recent post how to copy “every item” from a multi-page list. While their post did provide a neat hack, their “words of warning” are definitely missing some items and the overall methodology can be improved upon with some basic R scripting. First, the technique they ...
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U.S. Drought Monitoring With Hexbin State Maps in R

May 15, 2015 | hrbrmstr

On the news, today, of the early stages of drought hitting the U.S. northeast states I decided to springboard off of yesterday’s post and show a more practical use of hexbin state maps than the built-in (and still purpose unknown to me) “bees” data. The U.S. Drought ...
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GeoJSON Hexagonal “Statebins” in R

May 14, 2015 | hrbrmstr

There’s been lots of buzz about “statebin” maps of late. A recent tweet by @andrewxhill referencing work by @dannydb pointed to a nice shapefile that ends up being a really great way to handle statebin maps (and I feel like a fool for not considering it for a more ...
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More Airline Crashes via the Hadleyverse

March 31, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I saw a fly-by #rstats mention of more airplane accident data on — of all places — LinkedIn (email) today which took me to a GitHub repo by @philjette. It seems there’s a web site (run by what seems to be a single human) that tracks plane crashes. Here’s a ... [Read more...] » R 2015-03-30 13:32:08

March 30, 2015 | hrbrmstr

Over on The DO Loop, @RickWicklin does a nice job visualizing the causes of airline crashes in SAS using a mosaic plot. More often than not, I find mosaic plots can be a bit difficult to grok, but Rick’s use was spot on and I believe it shows the ...
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