Articles by hrbrmstr

A Better Way To Read Nest Data Into R

September 10, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I glimpsed a post in the RSS feeds today on how to connect Nest data with a Shiny dashboard and was compelled to post a less brute-force way to get data from the Nest API. The authors of the Shiny+Nest post used system calls to curl and regular expression ... [Read more...]

Three New #rstats Twitter Bots To Follow

September 6, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I engage with the Stack[Overflow|Exchange] community quite a bit and was super-happy @treycausey made the Stack Overflow #rstats bot (@StackOverflowR) since I’m also on Twitter alot (mostly hanging out in #rstats these days). However, #rstats questions exist in other Stack watering holes, like the Geographic Information Systems ... [Read more...]

Coloring (and Drawing) Outside the Lines in ggplot

August 27, 2015 | hrbrmstr

Time for another Twitter-inspired blog post this week, this time from a tweet by @JonKalodimos: Is there a way to do this in #rstats #ggplot2— Jonathan Kalodimos (@JonKalodimos) August 27, 2015 I had seen and appreciated Ann’s post on her makeover of the main graphic in NPR’...
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Using R To Get Data *Out Of* Word Docs

August 23, 2015 | hrbrmstr

This was asked on twitter recently: Is it possible to import data entered in MS Word into R – I have multiple tables in 235 files that need importing #rstats— Richard Telford (@richardjtelford) August 23, 2015 The answer is a very cautious “yes”. Much depends on how well-formed and un-formatted the table is. Take ...
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Doh! I Could Have Had Just Used V8!

August 21, 2015 | hrbrmstr

An R user recently had the need to split a “full, human name” into component parts to retrieve first & last names. The full names could be anything from something simple like “David Regan” to more complex & diverse such as “John Smith Jr.”, “Izaque Iuzuru Nagata” or “Christian Schmit de la ... [Read more...]

cdcfluview – On The Way to “CRAN 7K”

August 9, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I like to turn coincidence into convergence whenever possible. This weekend, a user of cdcfluview had a question that caused me to notice a difference in behaviour between the package was interacting with CDC FluView API, so I updated the package to accommodate the change and the user. Around the ... [Read more...]

Adding a CRAN Search Engine to Chrome

August 7, 2015 | hrbrmstr

Riffing off of the previous post, here’s a way to quickly search CRAN (the @RStudio flavor) from the Chrome search bar. Paste chrome://settings/searchEngines into your location bar and hit return/enter Scroll down until the input boxes show, enabling you to add a search engine For “Add ... [Read more...]

Speeding Up Your Quest(s) For “R Stuff”

August 5, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I use Google quite a bit when conjuring up R projects, whether it be in a lazy pursuit of a PDF vignette or to find a package or function to fit a niche need. Inevitably, I’ll do something like this (yeah, I’m still on a mapping kick) and ...
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Achieve Charting Zen With TauCharts

August 4, 2015 | hrbrmstr

There was some chatter on the twitters this week about a relatively new D3-based charting library called TauCharts (also @taucharts). The API looked pretty clean and robust, so I started working on an htmlwidget for it and was quickly joined by the Widget Master himself, @timelyportfolio. TauCharts definitely has ... [Read more...]

Two New R Packages – qrencoder & passwordrandom

August 2, 2015 | hrbrmstr

Believe it or not, there are two [1] [2] questions on @StackOverflowR about how to make QR codes in R. I personally think QR codes are kinda hokey, but who am I to argue with pressing needs of the #rstats community? I found libqrencode and it’s highly brew-able and apt-able (probably ...
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Introducing the nominatim geocoding package

July 29, 2015 | hrbrmstr

In the never-ending battle for truth, justice and publishing more R packages than Oliver, I whipped out an R package for the OpenStreetMap Nominatim API. It actually hits the MapQuest Nominatim Servers for most of the calls, but the functionality is the same. The R package lets you: address_lookup: ...
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Roll Your Own Gist Comments Notifier in R

July 25, 2015 | hrbrmstr

As I was putting together the coord_proj ggplot2 extension I had posted a ( that I shared on Twitter. Said gist received a comment (several, in fact) and a bunch of us were painfully reminded of the fact that there ... [Read more...]
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