Articles by hrbrmstr

Plot the new SVG R logo with ggplot2

February 11, 2016 | hrbrmstr

High resolution and SVG versions of the new R logo are finally available. I converted the SVG to WKT (file here) which means we can use it like we would a shapefile in R. That includes plotting! Here’s a short example of how to read that WKT and plot ...
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Craft httr calls cleverly with curlconverter

February 10, 2016 | hrbrmstr

When you visit a site like the LA Times’ NH Primary Live Results site and wish you had the data that they used to make the tables & visualizations on the site: Sometimes it’s as simple as opening up your browsers “Developer Tools” console and looking for XHR (XML HTTP ...
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Alternate R Markdown Templates

February 4, 2016 | hrbrmstr

The knitr/R markdown system is a great way to organize reports and analyses. However, the built-in ones (that come with RStudio/the rmarkdown package) rely on Bootstrap and also use jQuery. There’s nothing wrong with that, but the generated standalone HTML documents (which are a great way to ... [Read more...]

Cobble XPath Interactively with the xmlview Package

January 13, 2016 | hrbrmstr

(If you don’t know what XML is, you should probably read a primer before reading this post,) When working with data, one inevitably comes across things encoded in XML. I’m in the “anti-XML” camp, but deal with my fair share of XML in “cyber” and help out enough ...
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The Force: Accounted, in R

January 9, 2016 | hrbrmstr

Despite being a cybersecurity professional, it’s pretty easy to social engineer me: @hrbrmstr is there an R package? ;)— Thorsten G. (@SaThaRiel74) January 8, 2016 I’ll note that @jayjacobs does it all the time to me. I took Thorsten’s tweet as a challenge to ggplot2... [Read more...]

World Map Panel Plots with ggplot2 2.0 & ggalt

December 29, 2015 | hrbrmstr

James Austin (@awhstin) made some #spiffy 4-panel maps with base R graphics but also posited he didn’t use ggplot2 because: …ggplot2 and maps currently do not support world maps at this point, which does not give us a great overall view. That is certainly a box I would not ...
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Update to metricsgraphics 0.9.0 (now on CRAN)

December 21, 2015 | hrbrmstr

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my metricsgraphics package. The hit list for changes includes: Fixes for the new ggplot2 release (metricsgraphics uses the movies data set which is now in ggplot2movies) Updated all javascript libraries to the most recent versions Borrowed the ability to add ... [Read more...]

Using MonetDB[Lite] with real-world CSV files

November 11, 2015 | hrbrmstr

MonetDBLite (for R) was announced/released today and, while the examples they provide are compelling there’s a “gotcha” for potential new folks using SQL in general and SQL + MonetDB + R together. The toy example on the site shows dumping mtcars with dbWriteTable and then doing things. Real-world CSV files ... [Read more...]

An Ephemeral Update to daylight()

November 2, 2015 | hrbrmstr

This occurrence of the bi-annual corruption of the space-time continuum (i.e. changing to/from standard/daylight time) in the U.S. caused me to make a slight change to the code from an older post. The daylight() function now auto-discovers the date and location information (via telize) from the ...
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Less Drama, More Encoding

October 24, 2015 | hrbrmstr

Junk Charts adeptly noted and fixed this excessively stylized chart from the WSJ this week: Their take on it does reduct the ZOMGOSH WE ARE DOOMED! look and feel of the WSJ chart: But, we can further reduce the drama by using a more neutral color encoding and encode both ...
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Installing R on OS X – “100% Homebrew Edition”

October 22, 2015 | hrbrmstr

In a previous post I provided “mouse-heavy” instructions for getting R running on your Mac. A few of the comments suggested that an “all Homebrew” solution may be preferable for some folks. Now, there are issues with this since getting “support” for what may be R issues will be very ... [Read more...]

Installing R on OS X

October 20, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I was in a conversation with an academic colleague (wicked smart dude) and the subject of installing R came up (NOTE: this will happen to you, too, if you ever have the misfortune to have a face-to-face convo with me ;-). They noted that getting up and running with R ...
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Replicating NatGeo’s “Proper” Earthquake Map in R

October 4, 2015 | hrbrmstr

I saw this post over at NatGeo over the weekend and felt compelled to replicate this: with ggplot2. Three shapefiles later and we have it close enough to toss into a post (and I really don’t believe the continent names are necessary). library(rgdal) library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes)   # grab ...
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