Articles by HighlandR

Programming with data.table

January 26, 2020 | HighlandR

getting started multiple bare variable names in data.table functions - Flexible functions in data.table I’m getting slightly more experienced with data.table, and I really like it. My learning method was to get pretty deep for a month, re... [Read more...]

Programming with data.table

January 26, 2020 | HighlandR

getting started with multiple bare variable names in data.table functions - Flexible functions in data.table I’m getting slightly more experienced with data.table, and I really like it. My learning method was to get pretty deep for a month,... [Read more...]

Programming with data.table

January 26, 2020 | HighlandR

Flexible functions in data.table I’m getting slightly more experienced with data.table, and I really like it. My learning method was to get pretty deep for a month, reading everything I could and replicating my dplyr code in data.table. I ... [Read more...]

NHSRdatasets meets runcharter

December 2, 2019 | HighlandR

Big up the NHS - Background The NHSRdatasets package made it to CRAN recently, and as it is designed for use by NHS data analysts, and I am an NHS data analyst, let’s take a look at it. Thanks to Chris Mainey and Tom Jemmett for getting th...
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NHSRDatasets meets runcharter

December 2, 2019 | HighlandR

Big up the NHS - Background The NHSRDatasets package made it to CRAN recently, and as it is designed for use by NHS data analysts, and I am an NHS data analyst, let’s take a look at it. Thanks to Chris Mainey and Tom Jemmett for getting th...
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NHSRdatasets meets runcharter

December 2, 2019 | HighlandR

Big up the NHS - Background The NHSRdatasets package made it to CRAN recently, and as it is designed for use by NHS data analysts, and I am an NHS data analyst, let’s take a look at it. Thanks to Chris Mainey and Tom Jemmett for getting this... [Read more...]

Learning Linux – the wrong way – day 2

November 8, 2019 | HighlandR

Unborking the borked laptop - Recap I’m trying to learn some Linux. Ostensibly to do some data science at the command line, because it feels like something I might need to know at some point. I have reclaimed an old Windows laptop ( poorly ... [Read more...]

Learning Linux – the wrong way – day 2

November 8, 2019 | HighlandR

Unborking the borked laptop - Recap I’m trying to learn some Linux. Ostensibly to do some data science at the command line, because it feels like something I might need to know at some point. I have reclaimed an old Windows laptop ( poorl...
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Learning Linux – the wrong way – day 2

November 8, 2019 | HighlandR

Unborking the borked laptop - Recap I’m trying to learn some Linux. Ostensibly to do some data science at the command line, because it feels like something I might need to know at some point. I have reclaimed an old Windows laptop ( poorl...
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data.table by a dummy

June 29, 2019 | HighlandR

very brief intro notes - I like dplyr I’ve used data.table in the past, though didn’t persevere with it enough. My happy safe space is dplyr & ggplot2. I love these packages and use them almost every time I use R. Every so often , ... [Read more...]

data.table by a dummy

June 29, 2019 | HighlandR

very brief intro notes - I like dplyr I’ve used data.table in the past, though didn’t persevere with it enough. My happy safe space is dplyr & ggplot2. I love these packages and use them almost every time I use R. Every so often , ... [Read more...]

data.table by a dummy

June 29, 2019 | HighlandR

very brief intro notes - I like dplyr I’ve used data.table in the past, though didn’t persevere with it enough. My happy safe space is dplyr & ggplot2. I love these packages and use them almost every time I use R. Every so often , I s... [Read more...]

data.table by a dummy

April 29, 2019 | HighlandR

very brief intro notes - I like dplyr I’ve used data.table in the past, though didn’t persevere with it enough. My happy safe space is dplyr & ggplot2. I love these packages and use them almost every time I use R. Every so often , ... [Read more...]


April 29, 2019 | HighlandR

A thing what I built - Waffle I didn’t write a blog post in March, because I was busy doing other stuff, but it turns out no one noticed, or maybe they did, and simply didn’t care. Well, I care, because it brought my streak of 20 success... [Read more...]

gganimation for the nation

January 5, 2019 | HighlandR

gganimate hits CRAN - At the NHS_R conference back in October, I showed a few ways of building animations using gifski - I also wrote up the method I used in an earlier post right here. And, the source code for all this stuff is available f... [Read more...]

gganimation for the nation

January 5, 2019 | HighlandR

gganimate hits CRAN - At the NHS_R conference back in October, I showed a few ways of building animations using gifski - I also wrote up the method I used in an earlier post right here. And, the source code for all this stuff is available f... [Read more...]

gganimation for the nation

January 5, 2019 | HighlandR

gganimate hits CRAN - At the NHS_R conference back in October, I showed a few ways of building animations using gifski - I also wrote up the method I used in an earlier post right here. And, the source code for all this stuff is available f... [Read more...]
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