Articles by HighlandR

Defending the indefensible

November 1, 2020 | HighlandR

I opened Twitter on Saturday night to see indignant tweets everywhere, most of which seemed to be directed towards a plot (or, more accurately, a series of plots) that were shown as part of the UK Government Coronavirus briefing on Saturday e...
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Getting started with network plots

October 25, 2020 | HighlandR

Network plots can be hit or miss. However, the visNetwork package greatly simplifies the process of producing useful, interactive network plots. - I’ve long been hoping for a reason to have to devote time to learning how to produce network pl... [Read more...]

Getting started with network plots

October 24, 2020 | HighlandR

I’ve long been hoping for a reason to have to devote time to learning how to produce network plots. In my world, where bar and line charts reign supreme (with heatmaps and waffle charts thrown in occasionally) it is nice to be able to develop...
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October 17, 2020 | HighlandR

Classic rock album covers inspire even more R colour palettes - If you’d have asked me a few weeks ago if I wanted to create an R colour palette package, I’d have said “No way”. In fact, I’d have added “There are already MANY R colour palet... [Read more...]

The day after

October 5, 2020 | HighlandR

I woke yesterday to see ‘Excel’ trending on Twitter. However it didn’t take to long to discover this was not a good thing. For those not in the know, it turned out that an issue with importing data via Excel had caused a large number of cas... [Read more...]


October 1, 2020 | HighlandR

On a whim, I created a collection of colour palettes based on Metallica album covers. Each is named using an abbreviation of the relevant album, or a snippet of a song title from the album. In most cases, the song chosen is one of the stand ... [Read more...]


October 1, 2020 | HighlandR

Seek and Destroy meets School of Rock - What? On a whim, I created a collection of colour palettes based on Metallica album covers. Each is named using an abbreviation of the relevant album, or a snippet of a song title from the album. In m... [Read more...]

Solving small data problems with data.table

August 10, 2020 | HighlandR

A question was asked in the NHS-R Slack channel a few weeks back. It was one of those strangely innocuous, but fiddly ones. A dplyr solution was offered, and accepted, but someone has to be the annoying person who offers a data.table solution... [Read more...]

Solving small data problems with data.table

August 10, 2020 | HighlandR

A question was asked in the NHS-R Slack channel a few weeks back. It was one of those strangely innocuous, but fiddly ones. A dplyr solution was offered, and accepted, but someone has to be the annoying person who offers a data.table solution... [Read more...]

Solving small data problems with data.table

August 10, 2020 | HighlandR

A question was asked in the NHS-R Slack channel a few weeks back. It was one of those strangely innocuous, but fiddly ones. A dplyr solution was offered, and accepted, but someone has to be the annoying person who offers a data.table solution... [Read more...]

SIMD Revisited

July 17, 2020 | HighlandR

SIMD data without maps - The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation updated for 2020 I have blogged about the SIMD previously. The last time was using data from 2016. Earlier this year, the data was refreshed, and my friend David Henderson ...
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SIMD Revisited

July 17, 2020 | HighlandR

SIMD data without maps - The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation updated for 2020 I have blogged about the SIMD previously. The last time was using data from 2016. Earlier this year, the data was refreshed, and my friend David Henderson ... [Read more...]

SIMD Revisited

July 17, 2020 | HighlandR

SIMD data without maps - The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation updated for 2020 I have blogged about the SIMD previously. The last time was using data from 2016. Earlier this year, the data was refreshed, and my friend David Henderson ...
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SIMD Revisited

July 16, 2020 | HighlandR

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation updated for 2020 I have blogged about the SIMD previously. The last time was using data from 2016. Earlier this year, the data was refreshed, and my friend David Henderson was hot off the press wit...
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April 3, 2020 | HighlandR

fast, flexible census tables - Counting patients is hard Blimey. It’s over 3 years since I collaborated with Neil Pettinger on some plots to demonstrate patient flow, using R. What started out as a supposed quick blog post morphed into sev...
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April 3, 2020 | HighlandR

Tracking patient movements is difficult It’s over 3 years since I collaborated with Neil Pettinger on some plots to demonstrate patient flow, using R. What started out as a supposed quick blog post morphed into several weeks of work, a blog ...
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April 3, 2020 | HighlandR

fast, flexible census tables - Counting patients is hard Blimey. It’s over 3 years since I collaborated with Neil Pettinger on some plots to demonstrate patient flow, using R. What started out as a supposed quick blog post morphed into sever... [Read more...]


April 3, 2020 | HighlandR

fast, flexible census tables - Counting patients is hard Blimey. It’s over 3 years since I collaborated with Neil Pettinger on some plots to demonstrate patient flow, using R. What started out as a supposed quick blog post morphed into sev...
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