Articles by HighlandR

Shooting Stars

November 21, 2021 | HighlandR

This question popped up in my Twitter feed earlier, courtesy of @PipingHotData I did answer in a tweet, but I want to expand on that, so here goes.. Why would you follow someone on GitHub? I suppose the obvious one, at least for me, is t...
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cusumcharter available on CRAN

November 19, 2021 | HighlandR

I submitted my cusumcharter package to CRAN late last Friday evening and was pleasantly surprised to receive an email early on Monday advising me it was on its way to CRAN. Big thanks to the CRAN maintainers who manage to work through the qu...
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fwf without the faff

October 4, 2021 | HighlandR

Fixed width files? What are those? Well, imagine your entire dataframe/ tibble/ data.table is in a single column. That’s it, over 200 columns, in one. Each row is a very long string. Sounds fun right? Ideally, there would be delimiters ...
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Calculating hotel occupancy with R

September 16, 2021 | HighlandR

I saw a question on reddit today which can be answered using {patientcounter} The asker wants to know how to work out how many folk are in a hotel, at any given time, based on check in and check out dates. Here’s the setup: check_in_date &... [Read more...]

Well Well Well my Excel

August 12, 2021 | HighlandR

Importing multiple excel files (not sheets, but files) and flattening into one data frame / tibble / data.table should be straightforward - shouldn’t it? How many ways can there be? What are the pros and cons of each? I’ve made three copies... [Read more...]

Well Well Well my Excel

August 11, 2021 | HighlandR

Importing multiple excel files (not sheets, but files) and flattening into one data frame / tibble / data.table should be straightforward - shouldn’t it? How many ways can there be? What are the pros and cons of each? I’ve made three copies... [Read more...]

Cutting down code in dplyr and data.table

August 11, 2021 | HighlandR

After a very long , R free hiatus (I don’t recommend it) I’m back on the R train, destination unknown. I had a bit of spare time last night, and remembered I had not done a PreppinData challenge for a while. In fact, the last one I did was ... [Read more...]

Cutting down code in dplyr and data.table

August 8, 2021 | HighlandR

After a very long , R free hiatus (I don’t recommend it) I’m back on the R train, destination unknown. I had a bit of spare time last night, and remembered I had not done a PreppinData challenge for a while. In fact, the last one I did was ... [Read more...]

Introducing popthemes

March 28, 2021 | HighlandR

Back once again with the block rocking themes! Yes, having produced a set of R colour palettes based on Metallica album covers, and then another set of palettes based (loosely) on classic rock album covers, I’ve decided to complete the set w... [Read more...]

Introducing popthemes

March 25, 2021 | HighlandR

Back once again with the block rocking themes! Yes, having produced a set of R colour palettes based on Metallica album covers, and then another set of palettes based (loosely) on classic rock album covers, I’ve decided to complete the set w...
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Some data.table tips

March 21, 2021 | HighlandR

I’ve been using data.table quite a lot in my spare time, and I want to make a few notes of some things I’ve learned along the way. I would say I’m no longer a beginner, not yet an expert, but getting there.. As noted in a ... [Read more...]

Some data.table tips

March 21, 2021 | HighlandR

I’ve been using data.table quite a lot in my spare time, and I want to make a few notes of some things I’ve learned along the way. I would say I’m no longer a beginner, not yet an expert, but getting there.. As noted in a ... [Read more...]

Demystifying the coalesce function

December 12, 2020 | HighlandR

Why you should know about it - What does coalesce mean? In the English language, it is generally used to convey a coming together, or creating one whole body, mass or system. How does that help us when working with data? We spend a lot of ti... [Read more...]

demystifying the coalesce function

December 10, 2020 | HighlandR

What does coalesce mean? In the English language, it is generally used to convey a coming together, or creating one whole body, mass or system. How does that help us when working with data? We spend a lot of time cleaning our data, surely th... [Read more...]

collapse might rock your world

November 24, 2020 | HighlandR

The NHS-R Community site prompted this post, specifically a question to the help-with-r channel on Slack. Someone asked about obtaining unique values in a 60M row / 6 column dataset. Naturally, data.table came up, and a few of us made sugg... [Read more...]
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