Articles by Greski, Len

caret::createFolds() vs. createMultiFolds()

November 27, 2020 | Greski, Len

Summary Recently a user posted a question on Stackoverflow, asserting that caret::createFolds() behaves differently than createMultiFolds(). The questioner argued that while createFolds() samples without replacement, createMultiFolds() samples with r... [Read more...]

Estimating Runtime for an R script

June 30, 2020 | Greski, Len

Estimating the runtime of an R script Background Recently a person on StackOverflow asked a question about how to estimate the runtime of an R script. She was attempting to produce corelation tests for 60 questions in a survey, using the corr.test() ... [Read more...]

R Objects, S Objects, and Lexical Scoping

June 27, 2020 | Greski, Len

S Objects, R Objects, and Lexical Scoping Two key R design principles related to objects and lexical scoping are summarized in the following quote from John Chambers: To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful:    – Everything t...
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Reading Excel files in R

June 12, 2020 | Greski, Len

Reading Excel Files: A comparison of R packages Background Recently a person posed a question on Stackoverflow about four of the packages that are used to read Microsoft Excel files, including: readxl, openxlsx, xlsx, and XLConnect. The p... [Read more...]

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