Articles by Giles

An Introduction to R for Policy Analysis: Final Modules Released

September 10, 2023 | Giles

The final two modules are now available for ‘An Introduction to R for Policy Analysis’. Module 5: Data Visualization and Storytelling Module five is all about applying the principles of effective data visualization and storytelling in R. With a particular focus on using the ggplot2 package, this module introduces some easy-to-follow ... [Read more...]

An Introduction to R for Policy Analysis: Module 4 Released

August 27, 2023 | Giles

Module 4: “Data Cleaning” has just been released. While Module 3 explored how to import, explore, and summarize data using packages from the tidyverse, Module 4 covers the principles of cleaning and preparing your data for analysis. Specific topics covered, include: I’ve also been finding ways to improve the overall learning experience. ... [Read more...]

Setting up R

July 11, 2023 | Giles

R is a free available programming language for statistical analysis, computing and producing data visualizations. To use R as part of this course you’ll need to install ‘base R’ and R studio. Base R is free and can be installed on Windows, Mac or Linux by following the respective ‘... [Read more...]

R Programming for Public Policy Analysis

November 25, 2019 | Giles

Early in 2019 I posted a short ‘listicle’ with some of the key reasons I think Python and/or R should become essential tools in a modern policy analyst’s toolkit. The full article is here, but the headline points I in the article were; R programming’s use across disciplines ... [Read more...]

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