Articles by Gary Hutson

NHSDataDictionaRy is back on CRAN

May 6, 2021 | Gary Hutson

The NHSDataDictionaRy package is now back on CRAN, and I am pleased as punch. This update contains the OpenSafely scraper to get data from the website for lookups developed by Ben Goldacre’s team. Why did it disappear? The package disappeared due to me taking it down for major script ...
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ConfusionTableR package has a new function

April 6, 2021 | Gary Hutson

The ConfusionTableR package has a new function. Welcome to var_impeR which takes a trained caret R model and produces a tibble and a supporting variable importance plot. How to use the new var_impeR function The code following shows how to use the new function: Training a CARET model ...
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NHSDataDictionaRy package has arrived on CRAN

March 10, 2021 | Gary Hutson

Thanks to the NHS-R community I have had time to work on another package, due to their pledge to get more packages in R funded. A big thanks to Mohammed Amin Mohammed and all the R community team. This package utilises all the excellent lookups provided by NHS Digital and ...
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R Package Tracking

February 15, 2021 | Gary Hutson

I have recently uploaded my first R package to the CRAN repository, it needs an additional revision, but it is now there. I wanted to know how many downloads it has had since its release on CRAN last month. I thought shall I write a package, but alas there is ...
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Reticulate webinar – R and Python – a happy union

January 22, 2021 | Gary Hutson

Wednesday (20th January 2021) myself and a colleagues Andreas kicked off the first webinar of 2021 for the NHS-R Community with our look at the benefits of using reticulate for joining up R and Python. What was the webinar about? The webinar was split into two sections: The first session involved me ...
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NHS-R 2020 Week Long Conference

November 16, 2020 | Gary Hutson

The NHS-R conference concluded, and I am emotional that it has ended. There were some fantastic speakers and the whole event, from start to finish was a blast. Openers I would like to include everyone on here, but the openers that had an impact for me are included below: Conference ... [Read more...]
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