Articles by free range statistics - R

Counting digits by @ellis2013nz

November 23, 2018 | free range statistics - R

Counting digits appearing in page numbers The other day in a training session, the facilitators warmed people up into intellectual work with this group exercise: Count the number of times the digit “1” appears in the page numbers of a 90 page book. Then, count the number of times it appears in ... [Read more...]

Spend on petrol by income by @ellis2013nz

June 30, 2018 | free range statistics - R

Fuel tax debates So, there’s currently a vibrant debate on a small New Zealandish corner of Twitter about a petrol tax coming into effect in Auckland today, and the different impacts of such taxes on richer and poorer households. The Government has released analysis from the Stats NZ Household ... [Read more...]

Demography simulations by @ellis2013nz

June 25, 2018 | free range statistics - R

Total fertility rate This is my second blog post while familiarising myself with the arithmetic of demography. In my earlier post I looked at how life expectancy is calculated. “Period life expectancy at birth” as estimated by national statistical offices is actually best thought of as a summary of death ... [Read more...]
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