Articles by Frederico Mestre

New version of package gDefrag

February 5, 2025 | Frederico Mestre

We have developed a new version of the gDefrag package. The previous version has been retired from CRAN due to dependencies on outdated packages. This updated version is still under development and may contain limitations. Please exercise caution when using it. I have just uploaded a new version of the ...
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The robustness of food webs to species extinctions

January 19, 2022 | Frederico Mestre

The study of food webs is very relevant, considering the role these networks have in describing the transfer of energy and matter in the ecosystem (Thompson et al. 2012). As such, the evaluation of the robustness to species extinctions is an important step in any analysis evaluating food web stability. The ...
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From R to WordPress in two easy steps

October 8, 2020 | Frederico Mestre

Wanting to post with some regularity in this blog, I needed to have a quick, easy way to do so. Importantly, I wanted to do this for free! I searched the internet, and found RWordPress. This package does just that, helps the user to post in WordPress (resorting also to ... [Read more...]

Function to download biotic interaction datasets

February 6, 2020 | Frederico Mestre

I work in ecology, biogeography, etc… Biotic interactions (interactions between species) and its repercussions on species distributions is my main research interest. As such, I had, at some point, to download datasets on species interactions. I wanted to be able to produce a uniform (more or less, not as much ... [Read more...]

Updating MetaLandSim…

August 2, 2019 | Frederico Mestre

A new development version is know available for the package MetaLandSim (v. 1.0.6). It can be downloaded from GitHub. The user has to run the following code in order to install the package from GitHub: library(devtools) install_github(“FMestre1/MetaLandSim”) These changes were required because of recent improvements made to ...
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How many downloads does my package have?

April 7, 2019 | Frederico Mestre

Everyone that authors an R package is curious about how many users download it. As far as I know there’s still no way to get information on all the downloads, from all the R mirrors. Here I’m using package cranlogs, which only gives information on the downloads from ...
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Individual patch connectivity

February 27, 2019 | Frederico Mestre

Answering questions from users is actually a good way to find potentially interesting things to post… With the obvious advantage that other people might find it useful too! So… let’s start… This MetaLandSim user wanted a way to derive the contribution of each individual patch to overall landscape connectivity. ...
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From MetaLandSim to igraph and back!

November 15, 2018 | Frederico Mestre

One of these days I got an email about converting MetaLandSim objects to igraph (or the other way around). One of the reasons I did not use igraph in the first place (leading me to develop MetaLandSim) was that I needed my nodes (the vertexes, using igraph nomenclature) to have ...
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Package gDefrag now on CRAN!

July 12, 2018 | Frederico Mestre

The package gDefrag, by F. Mestre, F. Ascensão and A.M. Barbosa is now on CRAN. This is an excellent tool to prioritize the landscape de-fragmentation process. It works by prioritizing the different sections of linear infrastructures (e.g. roads, pow... [Read more...]

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