Articles by Françoisn - [email protected]

igraph 2.0.0

June 12, 2024 | Françoisn - [email protected]

The igraph R package has reached version 2.0.0. The igraph package is based on a C library, which is now fully available under the newer versions of the package: This major release brings development in line with the igraph C library. Version 1.6.... [Read more...]

French R conference sponsors

July 12, 2019 | Françoisn - [email protected]

As a complement to the previous note, I have collected every single entity that sponsored a national R conference in France over the last decade. The data include 9 conferences, plus a forthcoming one. For each conference, the number of sponsors varies between 8 and 46, and the number of organising sponsors varies ... [Read more...]

Asking R questions

July 23, 2017 | Françoisn - [email protected]

This note lists a few places where one can ask R-related questions and get an answer, usually in no more than a few hours. Why Anyone who has learnt a programming language has a history of questions that they have asked to: themselves – usually f... [Read more...]

Asking R questions

July 23, 2017 | Françoisn - [email protected]

This note lists a few places where one can ask R-related questions and get an answer, usually in no more than a few hours. Why Anyone who has learnt a programming language has a history of questions that they have asked to: themselves – usually followed by a lot of documentation ... [Read more...]

R as a data science language

January 4, 2017 | Françoisn - [email protected]

The R language is a ‘DSL’ – a domain-specific language. The domain that it deals with, however, is not well-defined. In this note, I call R a “data science language” and link to a few resources that make the point better than I could. R as a domain-specific language A few ... [Read more...]

Turning KML into tidy data frames

December 30, 2016 | Françoisn - [email protected]

This note briefly introduces the tidykml package, which turns basic KML geometries into tidy data frames that can be visualized with ggplot2. Summary The tidykml package provides a quick way to import data from Google My Maps into R, in a format that makes it easy to manipulate the data ... [Read more...]
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