Articles by Francisco de Abreu e Lima

Gradient descent in R

April 11, 2023 | Francisco de Abreu e Lima

It has been well over a year since my last entry, I have been rather quiet because someone has been rather loud 👶 Just last week I found some time to rewrite a draft on gradient descent from about two years ago, so here we are – back in business! Gradient descent ...
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Object detection and tracking in Python

September 10, 2021 | Francisco de Abreu e Lima

Introduction Computer vision is practically everywhere – summoned whenever you unlock your phone, check-in at the airport or drive an autonomous vehicle. In industry, it is revolutionising fields ranging from precision agriculture to AI-assisted medical imaging. Many such applications are based on object detection, one of the key topics of this ...
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UMAP clustering in Python

November 14, 2020 | Francisco de Abreu e Lima

Embracing Python in this tutorial series has long been a matter of time. For the last five years I have been championing R mostly because of its wide applicability and quite frankly, my own convenience. However, there is little any programming language can do to singlehandedly solve a variety of ...
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Audio classification in R

April 5, 2020 | Francisco de Abreu e Lima

Visiting Berlin in December 2013, some friends and I spent one evening at the White Trash, a rockabilly-vibe bar decorated with hanging skeletons and a couple of conspicuous portraits of Ian “Lemmy”, the late frontman of Motörhead. Incidentally, I remember trying to guess what song was playing at a certain ...
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Twitter data analysis in R

October 9, 2019 | Francisco de Abreu e Lima

In many regards, this post will be very different from previous entries. While the focus is the usual R-based statistical analysis, data collection is also discussed in depth and this in turn begs for basic Unix / macOS terminal commands. MS Windows users can refer to VirtualBox or Ubuntu installations. In ...
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