Articles by Francis Smart

Base R Assessment!

February 3, 2015 | Francis Smart

Test your skills with this R-powered R assessment of base R knowledge! Built using the R powered adaptive testing platform Concerto, this assessment provides a short but powerful tool at evaluating your base R understanding relative to that of your pe... [Read more...]

Convergence of a Series

November 12, 2014 | Francis Smart

Let us explore using simulation some of the concepts of basic asymptotic theory as presented in Wooldridge 2012, Chapter 3.Definition: A sequence of nonrandom numbers {a_N:N=1,2,...} converges to a if for all epsilon__0 there exists N_epsilon such that N__N_epsilon, then $$|a_N - a|100]$$ is an ...
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Waterfall and 3D plotting exploration

October 9, 2014 | Francis Smart

Taking the very 'waterfall graph' code posted by Robert Grant I have added some features (resistance Overall I find the graphs produced from this code to be beautiful and fascinating though I am not sure if I would really use them as a form of data exp... [Read more...]

How do you say π^π^π?

September 15, 2014 | Francis Smart

Well, not that you really probably want to know how to say such an absurdly large number. However for those of you who are interested (allowing for rounding) it is:one quintillion, three hundred forty quadrillion, one hundred sixty-four trillion, one h... [Read more...]

Fun with Bordered Cubes

September 9, 2014 | Francis Smart

I am interested in generating 3D reasoning items in R. To this end I have adapted some of the awesome functions built in the rgl library to my ends. My new function is 'cube' and it takes position and automatically sizes itself as a 1x1x1 cube though t... [Read more...]

More Readable Code with Pipes in R

July 30, 2014 | Francis Smart

Several blog posts have made mention of the 'magrittr' package which allows functional arguments to be passed to functions in a pipes style fashion (David Smith ).This stylistic option has several advantages:  1. Reduced requirements of nested par... [Read more...]

The Rise and Fall of the name Jennifer

July 19, 2014 | Francis Smart

A recent fascinating post by Analysis at Large got me interested in naming trends analysis. The original post used Social Security data by state to map out the more frequent names by state. While this sounded interesting it turned out a single name (yo... [Read more...]

Estimating Required Coinage

July 5, 2014 | Francis Smart

I would like to code up a simple method of minimizing the number of coins required to give change.  Then I would like see what coins are most likely to be called into usage if change is required from a uniform draw between 1 cent and 499 cents. Exported from Notepad++ # Define ... [Read more...]

7 R Quirks That Will Drive You Nutty

May 5, 2014 | Francis Smart

7 R Quirks That Will Drive You Nutty StumpedEvery language has its idiosyncrasies. Some “designer”“ type languages have less due to extreme thoughtfulness of language engineers. I suspect Julia for example has many less quirks. However, despite its quirkiness R has become an amazingly flexible resource for a diverse range of ... [Read more...]

How to Code Something ‘New’ in R

May 1, 2014 | Francis Smart

Programming New Things I currently have been programming in R for more than half a decade and can now fondly look back on the days when I went on a spring break with Venables' little blue book (now out of print).  Back then I was entertained and wowed by R’... [Read more...]

Three Ways to Format R Code for Blogger

April 30, 2014 | Francis Smart

Unformatted CodeIf you are like me originally then you might not think it is worth it to spend the extra energy to format your code.  After all people can just copy what you have and paste it into their preferred editor which will do its own forma...
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