Articles by Francis Smart

Obama 2008 received 3x more media coverage than Sanders 2016

January 28, 2016 | Francis Smart

Many supporters of presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders have claimed that there is a media blackout in which Bernie Sanders has been for whatever reason blocked from communicating his campaign message. Combined with a dramatically cut democratic debate scheme (from 18 in 2008 with Obama to 4 in 2016 with Sanders) scheduled on days of ... [Read more...]

Obama 2008 recieved 3x more media coverage than Sanders 2016

January 28, 2016 | Francis Smart

Many supporters of presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders have claimed that there is a media blackout in which Bernie Sanders has been for whatever reason blocked from communicating his campaign message. Combined with a dramatically cut democratic debate scheme (from 18 in 2008 with Obama to 4 in 2016 with Sanders) scheduled on days of ... [Read more...]

Who are Turkopticon’s Top Contributors?

January 19, 2016 | Francis Smart

In my most recent post "Turkopticon: Defender of Amazon's Anonymous Workforce" I introduced Turkopticon, the social art project designed to provide basic tools for Amazon's massive Mechanical TURK workforce to share information about employers (requesters).Turkopticon, has a been a runaway success with nearly 285 thousands reviews submitted by over 17 thousand ... [Read more...]

Who are Turkopticon’s Top Contributors?

January 19, 2016 | Francis Smart

In my most recent post "Turkopticon: Defender of Amazon's Anonymous Workforce" I introduced Turkopticon, the social art project designed to provide basic tools for Amazon's massive Mechanical TURK workforce to share information about employers (requesters).Turkopticon, has a been a runaway success with nearly 285 thousands reviews submitted by over 17 thousand ... [Read more...]

Cause of Death: Melanin | Evaluating Death-by-Police Data

December 10, 2015 | Francis Smart

Widespread attention towards the death of black men by police has sparked protests and public outrage in many a city. Recently, the Federal Government has launched an investigation into the conduct of the entire Chicago police department. However, by protests and videos popping up all over the country, the apparent ... [Read more...]

The Unreported War On America’s Poor

November 18, 2015 | Francis Smart

The Democratic firebrand Bernie Sander's keeps harping on this point about income inequality in the United States, yet I have to wonder, how bad is it really and do we care?First off, there is a legitimate reason to ask, if we should care. After all, throughout history, nations have ... [Read more...]

The Unreported War On America’s Poor

November 18, 2015 | Francis Smart

The Democratic firebrand Bernie Sander's keeps harping on this point about income inequality in the United States, yet I have to wonder, how bad is it really and do we care?First off, there is a legitimate reason to ask, if we should care. After all, t... [Read more...]

What it means to be a US Veteran Today

November 13, 2015 | Francis Smart

Six easy graphs that tell a big story:1. You represent a much small portion of the American people than veterans in the 1980s. The different lines represent different income quantiles with the 1st being the lowest income and the 4th being the highest income. We can see that veterans formerly ... [Read more...]

What it means to be a US Veteran Today

November 13, 2015 | Francis Smart

Six easy graphs that tell a big story:1. You represent a much small portion of the American people than veterans in the 1980s.2. You currently have the highest risk of being classified as poor for any time period since 1980. Since 2005, the rate of pov... [Read more...]

The Traveling Vampire Problem

October 30, 2015 | Francis Smart

Let's say you are a vampire and you would like to figure out the shortest route to visit the supple necks of N maidens. But, there is only so much time in any night!You can fly from location to location, ignoring barriers.With a few maidens, the problem is ... [Read more...]

The Traveling Vampire Problem

October 30, 2015 | Francis Smart

Let's say you are a vampire and you would like to figure out the shortest route to visit the supplenecks of N maidens. But, there is only so much time in any night!You can fly from location to location, ignoring barriers.With a few maidens, the problem... [Read more...]
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