Articles by Fellgernon Bit - rstats

Simple mortgage calculator

April 22, 2014 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

Have you ever thought of borrowing some money? A common case is when you have to borrow money for buying a house, which is called a mortgage. Wikipedia ('Mortgage loan' entry) goes into much more detail about the definition than what I'll cover. One o... [Read more...]

rMaps Mexico map

February 26, 2014 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

It's exciting when great people help each other get things done This is a simple networking story, which not be surprising to some but I was happily surprised by it. This is how the story goes: Two weeks ago rMaps (Vaidyanathan, 2014) was released. After making a blog post about it ...
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rMaps released

February 10, 2014 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

Ramnath Vaidyanathan just released his new R interactive package, rMaps (Vaidyanathan, 2014). The packages relies on the development version of his widely known rCharts package (Vaidyanathan, 2013) as well as javascript libraries that specialize in maps. If you don't know Ramnath, he is one of the most active R developers out there!! ... [Read more...]

ggplot Tutorial

June 21, 2013 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

ggplot Tutorial I liked the following ggplot2 tutorial which is featured in Gabriela de Queiroz’s blog called unbiasedestimator. The tutorial looks very neatly presented and I’m sure that it will be very helpful to anyone just getting started with ggplot2 before they jump into ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for ... [Read more...]

Reading an R file from GitHub

May 9, 2013 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

Lets say that I want to read in this R file from GitHub into R. The first thing you have to do is locate the raw file. You can do so by clicking on the Raw button in GitHub. In this case it’s
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Analyzing SimplyStatistics visits info

March 9, 2013 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

Recently we had to analyze the data of the number of visits per day to There were two goals: Estimate the fraction of visitors retained after a spike in the number of visitors Identify (if any) any factors that influence the fraction estimated in 1. For me it was ... [Read more...]

Visualizing colors()

October 19, 2012 | Fellgernon Bit - rstats

The other day I learnt about the existance of the colors() vector in R which specifies all the character-based colors like “light blue”, “black”, etc. So I made a simple plot to visualize them all. Here’s the code: mat [Read more...]
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