Originally posted on HLP/Jaeger lab blog: It used to take me a while to reinstall all the R packages that I use after upgrading to a new version of R. I couldn’t think of another way to do this than to create a list of installed packages by ...
The R package GrpString is originally developed for analyzing and comparing groups of scanpaths in eye-tracking studies. However, it is ideal for string analysis in general, especially for quantifying differences between two groups of strings. Here is the flow chart showing most functions in the current version (0.3.1). Some examples: library(... [Read more...]
If a researcher is interested in certain time periods of an eye-tracking recording, such as problem-solving phases in education studies, he/she can replay the recording, generate segments or scenes, and then export the relevant data. However, this process is time-consuming. Using R may provide a way to quickly obtain ... [Read more...]