Articles by Eran Raviv

Adding Text to R Plot

November 5, 2015 | Eran Raviv

Diversity is a real strength. By now it is common knowledge. I often see institutions openly encourage multinational environment and multidisciplinary professionals, with specific “on-the-job” training to tailor for own needs. No one knows a lot about a lot, so bringing different together enhance independent thinking and knowledge available to ... [Read more...]

Using R to model the classic 60/40 investing rule

April 9, 2014 | Eran Raviv

Image by Timothy Poulton   A long-standing paradigm among savers and investors is to favor a mixture of 40% bonds and 60% equities. The simple rationale is that stocks will provide greater returns while bonds will serve as a diversifier when if equities fall. If you are saving for your pension, you probably ... [Read more...]
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