Articles by emraher

Fitting Distributions to Data with R

October 31, 2012 | emraher

In “Fitting Distributions with R” Vito Ricci writes; “Fitting distributions consists in finding a mathematical function which represents in a good way a statistical variable. A statistician often is facing with this problem: he has some observations of a quantitative character and he wishes to test if those observations, being ... [Read more...]


September 22, 2012 | emraher

This post is actually a homework I did. The data file contains input use, output, quantities, costs, and prices for total U.S. nondurable manufacturing for 1949-2001. The data are defined as follows: , , , , = Inputs corresponding to capital, labor, energy, materials, and purchased services, = represents total output, = respective quantity indexes, = ... [Read more...]

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