Articles by Economics and R - R posts

RTutor: Free Trade Agreements

May 19, 2016 | Economics and R - R posts

There is quite some sceptisim towards TTIP, the currently negotiated free trade agreement between Europe and the USA. Even in an exporting nation like Germany, there are substantial worries about reduction in consumer protection standards, or fear of limits to democracy if cooperations can sue states in international settlement courts. ... [Read more...]

RTutor: Credit Booms Gone Bust

July 9, 2015 | Economics and R - R posts

RTutor: Credit Booms Gone Bust 2015-07-09 12:00:00 Currently, quite a few students here at Ulm University create RTutor problem sets based on economic articles as part of their Bachelor or Master thesis. RTutor is an R package that allows to develop interactive R problem sets, that can be solved in ... [Read more...]

shinyEvents: build shiny apps with event handlers

January 15, 2015 | Economics and R - R posts

RStudio's shiny is a great framework to generate web applications with R. In a classical shiny app, interactivity is not generated via event handlers but by reactive programming. For details, see the shiny documentation and tutorials under While shiny's reactive programming model is great for smaller ...
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