Articles by

Deming and Passing Bablok Regression in R

September 14, 2015 |

Regression Methods In this post we will be discussing how to perform Passing Bablok and Deming regression in R. Those who work in Clinical Chemistry know that these two approaches are required by the journals in the field. The idiosyncratic affection for these two forms of regression appears to be ...
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NA NA NA NA, Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye

September 5, 2015 |

Removing NA’s from a Data Frame in R The Problem Suppose you are doing a method comparison for which some results are above or below the linear range of your assay(s). Generally, these will appear in your spreadsheet (gasp!) program as ( y) or, in the case of our ...
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A Closer Look at TAT Time Dependence

August 28, 2015 |

The Problem We want to have a closer look at the time–dependence of turn around times (TATs). In particular, we would like to see if there is a significant trend in TAT over time (improvement or deterioration) and we would like the data to inform us of slowdowns and ...
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