Articles by David Smith

R in the Windows Subsystem for Linux

December 13, 2017 | David Smith

R has been available for Windows since the very beginning, but if you have a Windows machine and want to use R within a Linux ecosystem, that's easy to do with the new Fall Creator's Update (version 1709). If you need access to the gcc toolchain for building R packages, or ... [Read more...]

A chart of Bechdel Test scores

December 12, 2017 | David Smith

A movie is said to satisfy the Bechdel Test if it satisfies the following three criteria: The movie has at least two named female characters ... who have a conversation with each other ... about something other than a man The website scores movies accordingly, granting one point for each ... [Read more...]

In case you missed it: November 2017 roundup

December 7, 2017 | David Smith

In case you missed them, here are some articles from November of particular interest to R users. R 3.4.3 "Kite Eating Tree" has been released. Several approaches for generating a "Secret Santa" list with R. The "RevoScaleR" package from Microsoft R Server has now been ported to Python. The call for ... [Read more...]

On the biases in data

December 5, 2017 | David Smith

Whether we're developing statistical models, training machine learning recognizers, or developing AI systems, we start with data. And while the suitability of that data set is, lamentably, sometimes measured by its size, it's always important to reflect on where those data come from. Data are not neutral: the data we ... [Read more...]

AI School: Microsoft R and SQL Server ML Services

December 4, 2017 | David Smith

If you'd like to learn how you use R to develop AI applications, the Microsoft AI School now features a learning path focused on Microsoft R and SQL Server ML Services. This learning path includes eight modules, each comprising detailed tutorials and examples: Doing Data Analysis using R Analyzing Big ... [Read more...]

R 3.4.3 released

November 30, 2017 | David Smith

R 3.4.3 has been released, as announced by the R Core team today. As of this writing, only the source distribution (for those that build R themselves) is available, but binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux should appear on your local CRAN mirror within the next day or so. This is ... [Read more...]

How to generate a Secret Santa list with R

November 29, 2017 | David Smith

Several recent blog posts have explored the Secret Santa problem and provided solutions in R. This post provides a roundup of various solutions and how they are implemented in R. If you wanted to set up a "Secret Santa" gift exchange at the office, you could put everyone's name into ... [Read more...]

R/Finance 2018, Chicago June 1-2

November 27, 2017 | David Smith

The tenth annual R/Finance conference will be held in Chicago, June 1-2 2018. This is a fantastic conference for anyone working with R in the finance industry, or doing research around R in finance in the academic sector. This community-led, single-track conference always features a program of interesting talks in ... [Read more...]

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2017 | David Smith

Today is Thanksgiving Day here in the US, so we're taking the rest of the week off to enjoy the time with family. Even if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, today is still an excellent day to give thanks to the volunteers who have contributed to the R project and its ... [Read more...]

R charts in a Tweet

November 20, 2017 | David Smith

Twitter recently doubled the maximum length of a tweet to 280 characters, and while all users now have access to longer tweets, few have taken advantage of the opportunity. Bob Rudis used the rtweet package to analyze tweets sent with the #rstats hashtag since 280-char tweets were introduced, and most still ... [Read more...]

Highlights from the Connect(); conference

November 17, 2017 | David Smith

Connect();, the annual Microsoft developer conference, is wrapping up now in New York. The conference was the venue for a number of major announcements and talks. Here are some highlights related to data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence: There have been several updates to Azure Machine Learning, including the ... [Read more...]

An update for MRAN

November 14, 2017 | David Smith

MRAN, the Microsoft R Application Network has been migrated to a new high-performance, high-availability server, and we've taken the opportunity to make a few upgrades along the way. You shouldn't notice any breaking changes (of course if you do, please let us know), but you should notice faster performance for ... [Read more...]

Calculating the house edge of a slot machine, with R

November 8, 2017 | David Smith

Modern slot machines (fruit machine, pokies, or whatever those electronic gambling devices are called in your part of the world) are designed to be addictive. They're also usually quite complicated, with a bunch of features that affect the payout of a spin: multiple symbols with different pay scales, wildcards, scatter ... [Read more...]
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